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A wondrous item.


A set of finely crafted hide boots that are accented with fine elven embroidery and golden threading. Some additional red thread seems to have been woven in at a later date. When stared at, they appears as if they never cease movement, constantly jittering slightly.


Wearing the boots grants the user an extra 15 feet of jumping movement, either vertically or horizontally. The length and height of each jump can be altered at will.


Leadbelly Fargus purchased the boots from the Astralseeker's Closet, where they originally were somewhat defective due to a botched enchanting. He later presented them to Llawayas Eir’dun, who fixed the enchantment in return for protecting the aid caravan to Peralas.

“Hop. Skip along. Jump jump!”
~ Jekelo, kenku treasure hunter