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  1. Objects

Mirror of Positive Reinforcement

Wondrous Item

A wondrous item.

A small wooden hand mirror with a simple but pleasant aesthetic. It appears to be somewhat fragile.


When a creature looks into this mirror, the mirrored self that looks back will be able to speak independently of the onlooker. The mirrored self is exceedingly positive, and offers life advice and conversation. It will always attempt to support the user of the mirror.


Grognock received this item in trade for the rest of his displacer beast jerky from the Thin Old Trader. He was pleased at the mirror's positive response to him, and showed the mirror to Tyerjon and attempted to show Wander as well, but he hid his face from it. Wander later identified the mirror, and Grognock tucked it gently into his bag.

“It’s too happy. Take it away.”
~ Vedoten Blackmarsh, Shadow Prince