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A wondrous item that requires attunement.

A wand that looks to be made of an old, gnarled branch, but feels soft to the touch. The cross sections of the branch appear multi-colored.


The user of the wand may use it to conjure yarn. Up to ten strings of any color up to 30 feet in length may be conjured from the tip of the wand in a single cast. The yarn will extend from the wand with enough velocity to reach its full length horizontally in front of the user. The strength of the yarn is equivalent to that of standard yarn.

The yarn can only be cast once a day, after which its cross section appears dull and grey.


Journey received the Wand of Yarn from the Thin Old Trader in exchange for her copy of Cavernous Cravings. She later attuned to the wand after Wander identified its properties, and displayed its power to the rest of the Peas.

“Pretty colors!”
~ Urisidan the Fool