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  1. Objects

Blastgel Bomb

Adventuring Gear

A mostly round ball made by Vinn's Wares that appears to be covered in some form of ash-coated parchment. Weighs around 1 lb.


This bomb uses the properties of undiluted blastgel to create a chained force effect inside its body that culminates in the destabilization of the gel, culminating in a powerful explosion of force.

The bomb can be thrown up to 60 feet away prompting a DC 14 Dexterity saving throw. Creatures in the radius take 4d6 force damage on a failed save, and half as much on a success. The significant impact may also damage objects in the vicinity.


Grognock - Grognock received one of the bombs from the business deal the Peas made with Vinn's Wares.

“It’s like, bam bam bam – THEN KABOOM!”
~ Shudek of the Lucky Cauldron