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A manufactured mechanical wondrous item made by Vinn's Wares.

A small, strange metal object with various complicated components. There is a cylindrical slot that appears to fit the canisters sold at Vinn’s Wares, a strange metal hook, and a type of trigger on the opposite side.


The trigger can be strapped to most things, like a sword or a wrist. Pulling the trigger as an action or bonus action sends the hook into a connected canister, releasing the sparkdust inside. Once triggered, all creatures that requires sight in a 10 foot radius must make a DC 15 Constitution saving throw, or become blinded for 1 minute. Creatures who are aware of the incoming effect may roll with advantage. The affected area of the sparkdust becomes obscured for one round.

Loading a new canister and resetting the hook requires an action.


Journey - Journey claimed the trigger and 5 sparkdust canisters when the group was making their business deal with Vinn's Wares. She did not attach it to anything.

“I used a rigid piece of metal to generate the force for the hook. I call it a leap.”
~ Vinn Vinnfeck, entrepeneur