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Aeltra, more commonly referred to as Old Spirit or Tree Mother is a goddess of forests, spirits, and illusions. She is widely considered to the be creator of elves and is known to be a grower of forests. Her symbol is commonly depicted as a ring of trees. Aeltra's forest domain crosses over slightly with that of Merrav, but Aeltra's favored forests are often fey in nature, while Merrav presides over the more earthly wealds.



Aeltra is not known to appear physically, and rarely directly addresses her followers. Ancient depictions of the goddess often show her speaking through trees and animals. On occasion she is shown as a giant tree, extending upwards, far beyond sight.

Aeltra has manifested as a giant woman made of old, living wood, twisted into a humanoid form. Moss would hang from her body and from her long, elven ears. Upon her head would sit a large crown of living trees.


Aeltra is a largely distant and enigmatic god, choosing to communicate with visions and signs. She is considered a matronly figure by many, but doesn't have a specifically nurturing presence. She is not known to be a jealous goddess, and is generally tolerant of those that worship other gods.


Aeltra is a neutral good god. While she values all life, she places special concern on the keeping and growth of the forests of the world. While her specific wishes are generally unclear due to how she communicates with her followers, she seems to advocate the growth of plant and animal life, believing that this will establish a harmony in the world. She abhors the destruction of nature in any way.


Aeltra grants power to those who are devout to her and value the preservation and growth of nature. Those who lose sight of these values will often see their power fade. Users of Aeltra's power are also expected to extend kindness to others, help those in need, and correct the cruelties they encounter in the world.

Aeltra tends not to communicate directly with her followers, instead choosing to leave them subtle signs and hints. To be directly addressed by the goddess is a rare blessing.


Aeltra is mainly worshiped by elves; many believe her to be the progenitor of their race. Magicians court her favor for their magical pursuits, and druids and others connected to forests will offer her reverence.

The elves of Weysol are the most ardent followers of Aeltra, but various other sects around the world exist, such as the kingdoms of Orglen in the Free Lands.


  • Nature is to be protected and treasured. Those who seek its destruction must be reminded of its importance and beauty.
  • Seek fertile ground and sow life.
  • Purify poisons and corruptions to reestablish the order of the forest.


Aeltra has four major holidays that align with the changing of the seasons:

It is a well known fact among worshipers of Aeltra that the currently observed dates for these holidays are different from the original dates, and were changed in order to align them with the Iron Calendar. Aeltra does not appear to mind this.


It is said that many of the illusions protecting the forests of Hazeron were in fact created by Aeltra long ago in a very young age.

Aeltra's power seems to be strongest in the continent of Weysol, the home of the elves.

Invocation of the Forest

Usually recited in Elven, the Invocation of the Forest is commonly recited by followers of Aeltra who are in great peril or are faced with overwhelming circumstances.

She who nurtures the grass, wood, and leaves, hear me!
I am a child of the weald; its roots and branches are my own!

Though I may burn or break, cut or bleed, I do not fear!
I stand alongside the eternal kingdom that will not bend!
From a single seed the forest will again grow!
I will not relent!

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