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  1. Characters


The God of Filth

Gulchax, also known as the God of Filth, is a major god in Hazeron. His domains are pestilence, decay, and namely, filth. His symbol is often depicted as water falling from a crescent moon.



Gulchax has been known to take many forms. While he often wanders around as a scruffy-looking vagabond, he has notably been encountered as:

  • A giant plague of rats speaking in unison
  • A mound of decaying flesh
  • A large head made of rotten teeth
  • A pillar of wet, oozing detritus
  • A brown puddle
  • An unmoving corpse


Gulchax has a very laid back and relaxed personality. He is very talkative, and loves interacting with mortals. While conversation with Gulchax may be pleasant, remember that you will likely be covered in trash by the end of it.

Beliefs and Systems

Gulchax is actually a neutral god, despite some of the horrific effects his machinations may have on the populace. He considers his filth a gift that should be shared with all creatures. He wishes to see the entire world covered in decay and waste.

Gulchax is an incredbily gregarious god, and constantly enters into conversations with mortals. Many people avoid symbols of Gulchax, as in passing them there is a chance they will attract the attention of the god. Most interactions with Gulchax generally end with the mortal being "blessed" with filth.


It is almost too easy to enter a pact with Gulchax; usually all that needs to be done it ask. It is easily possible to directly address the god to do so. Gulchax is by no means a lesser god, and can grant his followers great power, but they must be content with the fact that they will never be clean in their lives again. Followers must devote themselves to spreading filth wherever they go.

It is nearly impossible to fall out of favor with Gulchax and lose his "blessings", unless you are directly working against him to clean the world.


Aside from the insane, there are very few devoted worshipers of Gulchax. Farmers and gravekeepers may offer a prayer to him from time to time for specific reasons, but generally, his followers are restricted to animal men and intelligent beasts.

Those who devote themselves to Gulchax may experience unnaturally long lives, but will also likely be plagued by disease and filth.


  • Spread the filth
  • Spread the decay
  • Spread the disease


Gulchax is well known for his promiscuous nature. Many of the children he has fathered over the years have gone on to establish themselves as demigods. Many of his children appear to be born from rats.

Gulchax expressed a particular interest in Eugene Wormtail, rescuing him from drowning, and blessing him with incredible power capable of driving off Tarisi, a powerful demigod.