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  1. Characters

Relyan Velowyn

Vigilant Commander

Relyan Velowyn is the elven commander of the Vigilant Dragon and the Ceon'tir Bastion. She is a soft spoken person with a mysterious air about her.


Relyan is a moderately tall elven woman with long, auburn hair tied up into an intricately braided ponytail. She has short, pointed ears and dark green eyes. A set of 4 long, deep scars run down the left side of her face and down her neck. She is athletically built, and wears form-fitting half plate armor adorned with the iconography of the Zelvass family.

Relyan is soft spoken, patient and accepting. She holds herself to a high standard, and attempts to hide her flaws from others. She holds a deference to the old monarchy of Sanaris, and a distaste for the new government.

Skills and Abilities

Relyan was elected the commander of the Ceon'tir Bastion, so it can be assumed that she has a fair amount of martial prowess and leadership ability.

Relyan is well informed on the history of Sanaris and the current political landscape.


At some point, Relyan was elected the leader of the Vigilant Dragon and by extension, the Ceon'tir Bastion.

When the Peas entered the Bastion, Relyan had an audience with them, recognizing the emblem on Seamus' Dragovanes badge and learning of his heritage. She was disappointed to learn the Sigil of Zelvass was still held in the Tomb of Zelvass, but soon requested that Seamus attempt to open a door deep in the keep that would only yield to one of royal blood. When Seamus opened the door and wore the crown inside, Relyan recognized him as her king and pledged herself to him.

Relyan informed the group about some of the history of the keep, Sanaris, and the current problems plaguing the country. She later participated in the feast at the Bastion organized by the Peas.