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  1. Characters

Weil Syllis

Fectern Priest

Weil Syllis is an elven priest of Fectovarano, and the head priest at the Fectern Temple of Hymathel. He is pious and devoted to his god.


He expressed interest in Grognock after meeting the monk in the markets of Hymathel, recognizing the robes of the Mending Palm. He invited Grognock to discuss matters of spirit with him at his temple in the Nevald District later. Grognock showed up soon after, and Father Syllis mentioned that he saw a disturbed aura around Grognock, and asked if he had been worshiping other gods. Syllis expressed concern about Grognock's flippant attitude towards the gravity of his situation, and attempted to proselytize the monk about the virtues of Fecto and the importance of his visions.

Grognock asked the priest whether he could perform purification rituals on an artifact, namely the Hellheart, and Syllis replied that it could be arranged. Later, when Grognock approached the priest with the artifact, his demeanor changed drastically as he led Grognock to a ritual room and performed an exorcism which resulted in the removal of the Bottle Demon from Grognock's body.

Grognock later visited Father Syllis in the temple barracks, waking him from his sleep. Syllis was tired and despondent from his dealings with the demon, so Grognock tucked him back into bed.

Left with the Bottle Demon, Father Syllis was slowly corrupted into a servant of the demon, casting aside his faith. He assisted in transforming his temple into a haven of demon worship, and began corrupting the populace of the Nevald district. Converted into a powerful tool of the demon, Syllis attacked the Peas with devastating power, ultimately forcing them to take his life.