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The Thin Old Trader or Strange Old Lady is a human-looking trader met by the Peas on the road to Oashara from Caedalir. She had a short, hunched posture and an old, wrinkled face that seemed to constantly be turned into a slightly unnerving smile.

She offered a trade to the Peas, interested in objects that held particular personal value to each of them. She declined many of the offers from the party, but she accepted Journey's copy of Cavernous Cravings and Grognock's displacer beast jerky, giving them back the Wand of Yarn and the Mirror of Positive Reinforcement respectively. Uninterested in the rest of the offers, the old woman briefly stood at her full height, towering over the rest of the party as she stretched, eventually shrinking back down to her hunched state and continuing down the road, claiming she had a prior engagement.