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  1. Characters

Pelwey Galaewyn

Acolyte of Ezan

Pelwey Galaewyn is an elven acolyte of Ezan. She appears frail and weak, but has been granted great power by her goddess. She apparently wishes to spread the word about Ezan alongside her adventuring party, the Lucent Hand.


Pelwey is a little small and frail looking, and has long golden hair. She wears a serene expression, and keeps her eyes closed. She wears pretty white robes. She constantly radiates a soft white light. She is apparently blind.

Pelwey is very quiet and soft-spoken. She is kind and thoughtful, and cares a great deal about her allies.

Skills and Abilities

Pelwey is capable of using powerful magic granted to her by her goddess.

Power of Ezan

Pelway has showcased the following abilities using Ezan's power:

  • Growing to great size and strength
  • Granting herself temporary sight
  • Summoning an avatar of light to crush enemies
  • Creating a giant beam of light that disintegrates whatever it touches
  • Shooting arrows of light
  • Healing her allies with a touch
  • Creating a circle of healing light


At some point, Pelwey founded the Lucent Hand.

The Peas first encountered Pelwey at the Mad King's Festival, where her party had entered the tournament. She competed against Tyerjon in the strength competition, where she grew to massive size, taking first place.

Pelwey battled alongside her companions in the arena segment of the tournament, where she sat back and weaved powerful spells from a distance, as well as healed her friends. Eventually, when faced with some strange shadow beast, Pelwey was grabbed and quickly went down.

After the tournament completed, Pelwey congratulated the Peas and gave them a symbol of her goddess, Ezan, while also telling them to meet her at the Red Road Inn. When the Peas were confronted by the Wild Children, Pelwey lent them a hand by covertly taking out the spellcaster of the belligerent group.