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Inglis Alexandar is a human nature cleric, ancient oath paladin and the former mentor and lover of Phaelnah Ellarian. Inglis is a powerful and devoted servant of the goddess Aeltra, if not a bit misguided at times. He is the wielder of Valefinger, a chosen of the Alltree, and the father of Yoxxel.


Inglis is a middle aged man, somewhere in his fifities. His skin is somewhat fair, and he shows signs of aging in his slightly greying brown hair and small wrinkles across his face. He is still rather fit for his age.

Inglis is a hero at heart, and always seeks to do good. However, he is somewhat incapable of handling large and complex situations, such as the political machinations of the devils in Sanaris. Still, he is caring, thoughtful, and righteous. He is very eager to do right by those around him, and will make large strides to account for his shortcomings.

Skills and Abilities

Inglis is a very powerful cleric and paladin under Aeltra. He is capable of terribly powerful strikes of radiantly infused energy.


Inglis is apparently in Sanaris, and sent Phaelnah a message regarding the city of Hymathel. At some point, Inglis apparently had a daughter, Yuleyan Alexandar.

Inglis is apparently in Hymnethal, working with the Divine Branch to some end. He allegedly has a high position in their hierarchy.