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  1. Organizations

Indigo Seekers

Mystery Cult

The Seekers of the Indigo Children believe that humanity has lost that which makes them great to the machinations of mighty goetic gods in the Astral Realms. The Indigo Seekers believe that they must evoke these lost goetia in their own lives, drawing them back towards humanity and out of the astral wastelands they were thrown into. Some dedicated members of the Seekers are even able to project their souls into the Anima Mundi and search for the lost Indigo Children, hoping to lead them back to mankind’s Temenos.

The Seekers believe that there are many Indigo Children and are well aware that they cannot emulate them all. Each Seeker instead dedicates their life to emulating a particular Indigo Child as much as they possibly can. Some Seekers find themselves acting mercifully in all things, going so far as to make themselves dangerous through combative arts, then refusing to defend themselves. Some Seekers strive to emulate the human drive to achievement, becoming ruthless and and unwilling to give an inch when presented with something their heart truly desires.

Cultists: Fanatic Humanists, Hermetic Aspirants, Helicopter Parents, Social-Worker-turned-Occultist, Goetia Hunters

Initiation Benefits

• Initiates, while still blind to many of the mysteries of the Astral and the Children, start learning about goetia. Gain the Goetia specialty in Occult.

•• Full members begin to understand how much mental fortitude is required to interface with the Astral and emulate the Indigo Children. Gain the Patient merit.

••• Members that have truly dedicated themselves to Seeking begin to emulate their chosen Indigo Child with inhuman ability. Gain a modified version of the Mind of a Madman merit. Rather than dedicating one’s self to catching a criminal, one can dedicate themselves to their chosen Indigo Child.

•••• Trusted members of the Indigo Seekers are taught secrets of fallen magic that drag their souls closer towards the Astral Realms. Gain the Astral Adept merit.

••••• True Elder Seekers begin to evoke the Indigo Children that they represent. The Seeker may now manifest Amnion (MtAw p 249) as the Awoken do, even bringing their distilled egos into the Fallen World. Use Mystery Cult Initiation dots instead of Gnosis dots.