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Recent History: Breaking away, at the encouragement of the neighbouring The City State of Ja'Pa, from the distant and all encompassing power of the Imperial Troll Empire’s Imperial Council of City Governors, the City State of Fuk’mar maintains a small independent base of power bordering on both the ocean and Beastfolk Heartlands. Currently they engage in limited trading with Ja’Pa and refuse any and all non-Trolls, especially Beastfolk, passage through their lands. On the borderlands between Ja’Pa and the Beastfolk Heartlands there are often small raiding groups and disappearances are reported. These un-sanctioned groups engage in banditry and the slavery, which fuels the elite’s collection of ‘pets’.

The city is protected by the Fuk'Mar Volunteer Militia and The Troll Women’s Institute

General Description: The city-state sits on the tropical west coast of the New World, where its large docks grant it access to both the fish stocks and intercontinental trade route to the Troll Homelands, The Grand City of Mor'Koc, and more minor ports. The city state controls enough land surrounding the city to harvest a sustainable level of wood, ore and other common goods which prevents poverty in the working class.

The city is largely run by the Order of Dark Paladin's Fuk'Mar Branch, with their leader acting as Governor. Their headquarters is located inside Fuk'Mar Church of the Nameless.The Dark Paladins are well known for seeing those who are not Trolls as being inferior, and those who do not worship The Nameless One as heretics; the Fuk'Mar Branch are a famously extremist and violent group of such with their actions bordering on localised ethnic cleansing. The feelings of The Nameless One himself on such beliefs are unknown.

Troll Empire: The Empire indirectly controls swathes of the Troll population in Fuk’Mar through the Nameless’ Avatars the Emperor and  The Immortal Governor. This has kept a minimal flow of tax revenues from the City State in the form of harbour duties, religious donations and tithes, but this does little to offset the expense of the Imperial Navy which protects their harbour.