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  1. Characters

Saint Virion II Quinnlee

This character is dead.
Saint Virion the Innocent, The Boy-King of Tír, Last King of Tír, The Blessed Child, The King of Could-Have-Beens

The youngest and final King of Tir, Virion II was the second child and only son of King Ira III Quinnlee and Isobel Quinnlee and thus younger brother of Luciel I Quinnlee. Virion was a sickly child, extremely intelligent but somewhat feeble (being crippled by polio at a young age, which rendered him unable to walk without assistance from crutches; as such he usually got around in a custom-built wheelchair), and his mother used that to try and mould him into a puppet to her own racist ends, despite his father's wishes. He exiled Florean "The Bastard" de'Valice for his attempts to free him from his puppeteers.

He managed to resist his mother's brainwashing, and following the deaths of his mother and sister, he became sole monarch of Tir, and, sick of seeing the people he cared about die, the now effectively teenage King had plans to sign a peace treaty in order to end the bloodshed of the Imperial Wars against the Imperial Troll Empire, against the background of which he lost his mother and many members of his family. However the court advisors and Tiran Parliament, both of whom were heavily loyal to his mother, argued with the young king and attempted to bully him into continuing the war, meaning that for nearly all of his reign he was able to form very little of the legislation he wished to.

When the Imperial Army actually wrote a peace treaty, Virion agreed. However, his response was intercepted by pro-Parliamentary individuals and replaced with a forgery rejecting it. This led to the forces of The Troll Imperial Legions descending and sacking the city. This treachery was not discovered until well after the events in the city.

Realising he was going to die and by all accounts startlingly at peace with this fact, Virion's last act was to send his sister's two children, Ira IV and Hugh, into hiding in the already captured city of Coillearnach. He then returned to Castle Caislean, where he was found merely sitting on the throne, awaiting his fate. He was dragged from the throne, making no attempt to resist, and was stabbed in the back with multiple swords where he bled to death as he watched the crown his ancestor had fought to form being smashed with hammers in front of him. His reign had lasted 50 days, and he was only 80 years old, a teenager in Elven terms. His efforts to save his nephews were not in vain though, as even after recognising who they were the Imperial forces at Coillearnach chose to spare the two young boys due to their only being children. 

The Imperial Troll Empire Government, realising that he was actually trying to end the war and was superceded by his own government, was kind enough to allow his ashes to be scattered in a natural spring which then miraculously gained healing properties, leading to him being made into the patron Saint of martyrs, children and those wrongly accused of crimes by the Church of the Green in 3A 5, his beatification was later accepted also by the Church of Hoof and Horn, Church of Amaryllis, Church of the Red and the religious sect set up by his sister. The spring still exists in what is now the New County of T'Kashire, and its waters can heal madness, mental illness and diseases of the brain. The people who had orchestrated the conspiracy to drag on the war, however, were all executed for war crimes by being thrown off the Caislean cliffs.