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  1. Calendars

Orthegran Calendar

1 Hazal, 929

This calendar is also known as "the Age of Rebirth."

There are 365(.26) days in a year. There are 13 months, the first twelve of which have 28 days while the last has 29 days. The months are, in order: Hanem, Aziel, Agiel, Zaliel, Hamsur, Zeriel, Hielah, Adriel, Zepha, Seriel, Aliel, Amsiel, and Hazal. Spring begins 1 Hanem and ends 7 Zaliel; Summer begins 8 Zaliel and ends 14 Hielah; Autumn begins 15 Hielah and ends 21 Seriel; Winter begins 22 Seriel and ends 29 Hazal.
There are seven weekdays. In order, they are Rachas, Idwas, Baraphas, Wodensday, Ongolwersday, Micasday. The seventh day changes depending on region and religion. It is named after a deity of the speaker. Among the Valkads, it’s Thorsday; the Mostills, Trissasday; the Chetsins, Celothelsday. Among orcs, although it frequently varies, it is generally Grokoloksday.
A millennium before, the seventh day was named after the patriarch of the Lynochian Gods. After the Lynochian Gods were cast out of existence, the weekday's​ name became a wild card, so to speak.
Lumaras has three moons: Racha, Idwah, and Baraph. None of these moons have a lunar shift. Their lunar cycles are, respectively: 19, 32, and 43. 

Rachas Idwas Baraphas Wodensday Ongolwersday Micasday Grokoloksday/Thorsday/Trissasday/Celothelsday
1 337
2 338
3 339
4 340
5 341
6 342
7 343
8 344
9 345
10 346
11 347
12 348
13 349
14 350
15 351
16 352
17 353
18 354
19 355
20 356
21 357
22 358
23 359
24 360
25 361
26 362
27 363
28 364
29 365

Created by Provinto 4 years ago. Last modified by Provinto 1 year ago