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  1. Quests

KA13. The Fallen Mad, Part II

Faced with a choice given by Uvimahm (see KA12. The Fallen Mad, Part I), Selene d'Lyrandar walked up to the fiend, pretending to agree to his demand.  However rather than walking past him, she conjured a Gust of Wind, attempting to push Uvimahm back into the barrier that he wanted them to circumvent for him.  Arc immediately lept forward to help, while Elias Minch and Smith focused on the minions that swarmed into the fray.

Arc quickly fell to an onslaught from Uvimahm, though she was quickly helped back into the fight by a potion from Elias MinchSelene d'Lyrandar sought to assist Weslyan, the cleric that Uvimahm had been threatening when they entered the chamber.  However Selene d'Lyrandar was briefly stunned by Uvimahm, which caused the Gust of Wind spell to drop and allowed Uvimahm the chance to kill the stricken cleric.

After finishing off the minions, Elias Minch leapt in to help at close range, while Smith stayed attacking from range.  Elias Minch was able to grapple Uvimahm and tried to drive him again into the portal, but Arc was also caught in the mix, and in danger of being pushed into the portal herself.  Elias Minch therefore released the grapple, and instead drank a potion of Growth, and grew to a similar size to the fiend that they were facing.  Eventually, despite being low on magical resources, the four were able to wear Uvimahm down through sustained attacks; the final blow was struck when the fiend slashed out at Selene d'Lyrandar, and was caught by the Armour of Agathys that protected her body.  The icy backlash to the attack overwhelmed the fiend, and Selene d'Lyrandar watched with satisfaction as he turned to ice; she quickly shattered him with her blade to make sure that the battle was over.

Faced with the barrier, Arc and Elias Minch cautiously approach, but were reluctant to risk touching the strange magic.  Selene d'Lyrandar decided to risk it, reasoning that Bludak Mal K'shaar would not have sent them here if there were no way past.  The barrier withered at her touch, surrounding her in a silver flame.  Entering the next room, the party saw two statues of angels in two opposing corners, and in the far corner a stone slab on which resided the body of Faela, lying in gentle repose.  The body was behind another barrier; as the party watched, they saw more fiends entering through portals that randomly appeared on the other side of the barrier.  

Arc approached the barrier cautiously, while Selene d'Lyrandar and Elias Minch each went to one of the statues; they each found a magical scroll.  However their eyesight was drawn back to the barrier, as it seemed to be both expanding and weakening every time a fiend appeared from a portal.  Arc headed through first, and found that she could pass through without issue.  While Arc and Elias Minch attacked the fiends, Selene d'Lyrandar headed straight for the body of Faela, intending to pick it up and remove it from the chamber.  However as soon as she touched it, she received a vision of how to stop the fiendish incursion; instead she sat and prayed over the body, trusting in her companions to keep her safe.  She was successful, and with a flash the portals stopped appearing, with Elias Minch finishing off the final creature.

Curiously, despite the long day the party felt rested.  They decided to head straight to the Lightning Rail station, so that they could board the train that would take them to Vathirond, where they would be met by members of the Silver Flame as mentioned in the Letter from Bludak Mal K'shaarSelene d'Lyrandar and Arc cast Invisibility on their companions, allowing Elias Minch and Smith to carry the body of Faela onto the train without being noticed.  They had been booked in a private cabin, so they stored the body on the luggage rack, and settled in for the journey.  They decided to risk heading to the dining carriage for breakfast, although Smith stayed behind due to his lack of need to eat.  Along the way, they chatted with several other passengers, including the parents of one very loud and upset child, Joachim.

After they had returned to their cabin, one of the crew realised that a member of a Dragonmarked House was travelling on the train, and offered them a complimentary upgrade to first class.  Selene d'Lyrandar declined the invitation, concerned that they wouldn't be able to discreetly move the body that they were transporting, and reluctant to cause a scene.  Arc took the opportunity to change to a different persona and appearance; that of Leandra d'Phiarlan.  Rumours of their presence quickly spread throughout the train, and the party were soon visited by Denneil ir’Tollan and Faela ir'Tollan a pair of married Brelish nobles, heading to Flamekeep for a wedding.  They offered an invitation to visit first class for a meal, which Arc gratefully accepted.  She headed there, and was let into first class by Denneil ir’Tollan bodyguard, Gareth d’Deneith.  There she spoke briefly to Eliana d’Vadalis, a member of House Vadalis that was travelling with her winter wolf companion Frosty.  Arc attempted to pet the wolf, but the wolf responded with teeth.

The train continued on it's way, making a slow but steady pace towards it's destination...