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  1. Quests

KA11. Curtain Call, Part II

Following on from their overnight's rest in the Silvermist Theatre (KA10. Curtain Call, Part I), the party stopped at a local bakery for breakfast.  While Elias Minch browsed the pastries, Arc was drawn in by the tales of a goblin merchant with a cart, and ended up buying a rusty dagger with claims of ancient Darguun heritage.

Deciding to follow their lead of the tailor, Thurick Divandi, the party made their way to the lifts that would take them to Upper Menthis.  On the streets of Upper Menthis, the party were accosted by a pair of half-orcs.  They claimed that Max Murock owed them money, and that they were aware of the party's association with him, so they were looking to collect.  Elias Minch stepped forward, ready to fight, but Arc quickly cast Major Illusion, and scared them off with the image of a grotesque undead creature.

Continuing on to look for the tailor within the part of Upper Menthis known as Little Zilargo, Selene d'Lyrandar looked to ask someone for directions.  She stopped a passing gnome with flamboyant clothing.  He introduced himself as Elimat, a bard from Morgrave University of some repute.  He was disappointed when Selene d'Lyrandar was not interested in his tales of Tower Thirteen or the Deep Below.  He waved her a quick direction, and then ran off.  Before Selene d'Lyrandar could take a couple of steps, a human woman approached them.  She introduced herself as Vassilia Santiar, a reporter of the Korranberg Chronicle.  She wanted to know why the party was speaking to Elimat, as the Sharn City Watch had him under investigation.  Expressing their ignorance and lack of desire to get involved, the party made a quick exit and continued on their path.

They finally reached the tailor's shop.  Arc spoke to the gnome behind the counter, and managed to gain them an audience with Thurick Divandi by claiming that he had a glamourweave cloak that he needed repairing.  He then showed this cloak to the tailor, who was reluctant to help the party find out who had originally bought it, as he kept his client list confidential.  Selene d'Lyrandar was able to persuade him that she could get him a series of good business deals on behalf of House LyrandarThurick Divandi explained that he didn't know who the owner of the cloak was, but he knew that the client had a strange smell, and had once asked him to make a delivery to the Art Temple Theatre nearby.  Pleased with the information, Selene d'Lyrandar and Arc both made a purchase from the tailor.  Arc purchased a glamourweave cloak, and Selene d'Lyrandar a glamourweave Cloak of Billowing, and artefact that she had always wanted.

Thurick Divandi also asked a favour of the party; he was under investigation from the City Watch for ties to the Boromar Clan, so he asked the party if one could disguise themselves as him so that they would stop watching his shop.  Selene d'Lyrandar agreed, and used her Mask of Many Faces ability to make herself look like the gnomish tailor.

The party left separately, with Selene d'Lyrandar heading off to the south while the rest of the party headed to the north where the Art Temple Theatre could be found.  Unfortunately Selene d'Lyrandar was quickly spotted and caught by the Sharn City Watch; she dropped her disguise and threatened to raise a complaint against the officers for them impeding House Lyrandar business.  They let her go only after taking note of her identity papers.

The rest of the party were stopped by a member of House Sivis, offering them a business card from Lhara, Guild Handler at the Clifftop Adventurer's Guild.  They were to be offered work if they were interested.  They continued on, and meeting with Selene d'Lyrandar at the Art Temple Theatre, the party snuck into the lobby.  Elias Minch looked through the keyhole, and saw that on the stage there was an altar, with a body lying on it and a figure in a cloak standing above it, with a dagger in his hand, and speaking a strange chant.  Several other figures, all hidden underneath familar cloaks, could also be seen.  These were figures were all part of the Fear Reveals Truth organisation. The party burst into the main part of the theatre to stop whatever strange ritual was occurring.  Arc turned invisible and headed off to one side; the rest of the party charged through the centre aisle.  Elias Minch moved quickest, and stunned one cultist that came to meet them before charging onto the stage.  Selene d'Lyrandar was slower, but used an Eldritch Blast to try and distract the cultist on the stage; when that failed, she summoned the darkness from the abyss to cast Hunger of Hadar, in an attempt to hurt from range.  Smith pulled up the rear, and concentrated on another cultist that appeared from the right-hand side.

Arc was able to disable one cultist by using Heat Metal to cause the cultist's dagger to get dangerously hot; in the panic, the cultist dropped the dagger and set his cloak on fire.  Elias Minch and Selene d'Lyrandar combined to take out the lead cultist; as they got closer, they were able to tell this was a warforged, and judging by the smell was the leader of the kidnappers that they were following.  When the warforged was defeated, a small orb flew out of his body, and stated that his name was Echo and he would have his vengeance on the party.

With the battle over, the figure on the altar was freed.  He introduced himself as Drevin ir'Roole, and thanked the party for the rescue.  He did not know what the strange ritual was all about, but he believed that Echo had been hired by his wife Nora ir'Roole.  He invited the party back to his luxurious home; there he found that she had disappeared, and taken several crucial papers belonging to House Sivis, along with a lockbox.  Drevin ir'Roole offered the party a reward, as well as a Letter of Recommendation.

Leaving his estate, the party were met by another member of House Sivis, who had a Letter from Bludak Mal K'shaar, who was in Thrane.  The letter included a set of return tickets on the Lightning Rail.