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  1. Quests

JF14. The Hunting Grounds


The Jade Foxes were hired by Felicia d'Cannith to investigate her neighbour Dellara ir'Uhlan, at her country estate in the village of Riverhold.  There had been reports of strange sounds every month, and rumours of bodies being removed from the estate.  They were directed by Felicia d'Cannith to go to her house there, and speak to her housemaid Shyarra.

Shyarra welcomed the Jade Foxes to the house, and made them each a clawfoot pie when she told them what she knew.  Strange bestial sounds had been heard coming from the property owned by Dellara ir'Uhlan; they were always bestial in nature, but changed each month.  The sounds were always heard on the first Sul of the month.  She also directed them to speak to her brother Zebulon, who was the hunter's apprentice.  Zebulon wasn't able to give much more information; he had seen a cart taking away what appeared to be several bodies the previous month, but he didn't know who they were.  However he did know that the servants never came to purchase meat at this time, so they were clearly obtaining food elsewhere.

The Jade Foxes waited until nightfall, and then headed to their target.  Finding a breach in the wall, they clambered over and found three people that had been turned into stone.  By the look of their appearance, they had been petrified during a fight.  Gingerly heading deeper into the woods, they heard a commotion near a set of ruins.  Several servants were struggling to get a creature in chains under control; it broke free and attacked the servants, before turning on the Jade Foxes.  A crocodile also emerged from the river to join in the fray.  The fight was intense, and Canton Busby was nearly trampled to death by what appeared to be a krasis.

After the fight, the Jade Foxes investigated the ruin.  It appeared that the ruin was artificial - it had been constructed to look like a ruin, but was relatively new.  The tracks of the krasis and the servants that had been pulling it led to an underground chamber filled with cages; all were empty, but had signs of being inhabited recently.

Continuing onwards, the Jade Foxes found another battle going on.  A noble was valiantly attempting to protect himself from a drider; the Jade Foxes charged into the battle, but were unable to save him.  Part-way through defeating the drider, a giant stumbled out of the forest and attempted to use charming magic on the party, but was also quickly killed.

On the body of the noble, the Jade Foxes found an Invitation to "A Night of Strange Beasts".  This revealed that Dellara ir'Uhlan was hosting regular parties for nobles to hunt strange and exotic creatures that she imported each month.  Rahl Morninglow sent his raven ahead to scout, and found a banquet being set up in the gardens at the centre of the estate.  Armed with this knowledge, the Jade Foxes retraced their steps and returned to Sharn.

A newspaper article published a few days later, the Korranberg Chronicle Issue on the Arrest of a Noble, revealed that in the aftermath of the revelation, Dellara ir'Uhlan was arrested.