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  1. Quests

JF08. Into The Vault


Following on from their rest (JF07. Under The Bank), the Jade Foxes continued their journey through the House Kundarak bank.  Leaving the room with the iron bull, the Jade Foxes found themselves in a corridor.  There was an arcane sigil on the floor in front of them, which Canton Busby was able to recognise as a Rune of Warding.  The Jade Foxes used the corpse of the iron bull to trigger the rune, avoiding taking damage themselves.  Continuing onwards, they found themselves in a long-abandoned guard station.  There were several doors, but only one seemed accessible, and that was behind a strange block of ice that had somehow endured.  Melting the ice, the Jade Foxes proceeded down the passage.  They found one exit had completely collapsed, forcing them to turn to the right.  Passing by a statue of a dwarven warrior, Sarran was drawn to a pile of gemstones placed in front of it; but Kraxor Tyraneroth warned him away, suspecting a trap.

The passage led them to a small room that had a large wooden table at the centre of the room.  On the table was a large pile of gold.  Unable to resist, Sarran immediately rushed in and grabbed one of the coins, and suddenly a genie that was bound to the gold appeared and attacked the party.  Canton Busby attempted to unbind the genie, but the spell was clearly a complex weave that would take him hours to undo, so unfortunately the Jade Foxes were forced to destroy the creature.

Continuing on, the Jade Foxes found a side passage that was full of suits of armour, lined up in alcoves evenly spaced along the walls.  Unable to discern their purpose, Sarran ran down the passage and knocked them all down.  Returning to the main corridor, Rahl Morninglow was forced to phase-step over a part of the floor that had collapsed, before throwing a rope back to help the other across.  

Rounding the corner, the Jade Foxes found several bodies of thieves that had broken in and been caught in various traps; some had been killed by darts, and one had been partially pulled into the wall.  A doorway lead to what looked like a prayer room; the Jade Foxes noticed several scrapes on the floor, that revealed where a hidden door was able to open.  The hidden door led back into the corridor with the suits of armour.

There were several other rooms off the corridor, including a storage room and what looked like a training room.  The final doorway led to a room where each tile on the floor contained a letter; Sarran quickly noticed that there was a route that spelled out 'Kundarak', and carefully made his way across the room.  The others followed safely.

The doorway led to a natural cavern, with a fast-moving river running through it.  A partially-collapsed bridge that was lined with more suits of armour offered passage over the river, but the Jade Foxes were suspicious of the number of bodies on the bridge.  Gingerly making their way across, they were attacked at the half-way point as the suits of armour began to move.  Canton Busby was able to use his Ring of Telekinesis to throw several into the river, and eventually the remainder were defeated.  On the other side of the river, the Jade Foxes found the vault they were looking for, and were able to gain entry and find the documents that Boranel ir'Wynarn had asked House Kundarak to retrieve for him.