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  1. Characters

Rahl Morninglow

Eladrin Warlock
Player Character

Rahl's Epilogue

After the events with Boras D’Cannith, Rahl chose to remain with the Jade Foxes for a time. Afterall, he owed them a lot. They had given him a purpose in this life. After time though, without his travelling companions, friends and confidants; he no longer felt any connection with any at the Jade Foxes. He soon spent more time drinking then mercenary work, and any mercenary work he undertook went on drinking. Eventually he left the Foxes for good and could be found dancing erratically in various taverns around Sharn, weeping into his wine or sleeping in a piss smelling alley.

After he had a sobering encounter with a War Forged following sneaking into the Dragons Horde, drinking the expensive wine and instructing his raven to shit over the patrons (for old times sake), he decided that he had enough wallowing in his own self pity. Using the last of his gold leftover from his days as a mercenary, he checked himself into rehab. Rahl defeated his own demons.

He left Sharn. There were too many memories, of the Foxes, of piss smelling alleys, and his own shame. And too many people knew him as a drunkard.

He wandered Breland, Zilargo and Thrane as an itinerant adventurer, selling his services to fry the occasional monster. Rahl even sailed with a certain broken toothed half-orc for a time.

In time, he grew tired of wondering and headed home. Not to Sharn, but to his home spire of Taer Lian Doresh in the Lhazaar Principalities. It had been nearly 50 years since the Jade Foxes and Odesa, it was time to see his home once again.

Not much is known of Rahl Morninglow after this. Some say he met a beautiful Eladrin lady with the sex drive of a she half-orc. Others say he devoted himself to the Raven Queen, upholding her cause, and protecting the dead. And yet others say he wonders other plains, a lonely figure in a fox cloak that may once have been green.