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  1. Characters
Lord of Law

"'Bzzt. This unit considers you an affront to the natural order of the world.'

'What in the hells?' Lydia asked, stirring from her reverie to stare upon the strange creature with bewilderment. It's one eye looked upon the Calindran Half-Elf with a blank stare, it's mechanical, yellow, cube-shaped body puttering and ticking with inner mechanisms whose workings she could only guess at. It held a metal bow in hand, the string drawn with rigid, mechanical fluidity; Aimed right at her heart.

'This unit asks that you comply with rules and regulations and allow yourself to be brought into custody. Failure to adhere to the request will result in immediate termination. Brrzzt.'"

- "The Adventures of the Auspicious Oracles" , page 332

Torek the Lord of Law, also known as Final Arbiter, The Judge, and The Prime, is the god of law, stability, and order. He oversees the plane of Mechanus and wages eternal war against the chaotic influence of his sworn enemy Oohros and his traitorous former servants, known now to the planes as the bateezu (or to mortals, the devils).


Torek is counted as one of the primordial gods, according to some scholarly theories, the very first alongside his despised opposite Oohros, the embodiment of chaos to him the embodiment of law. His birth is believed to have originated with the creation of the multiverse itself when the primordial soup of pure potential that predated it settled upon it's current, enduring structure, as the first concept of order given form. As thus he predates all other known gods, his mind and personality is distant and unknowable even to the other greater deities of Aranor, considered by some to be all but mechanical in nature owing to his single-minded purpose to maintain the order of the multiverse as he knew it from his first moment. Some fear that without Oohros to counteract him, he would render the world stagnant and static under coldly tyrannical, perfect law. 

In spite of Torek's aloofness of mortal affairs this attitude was not mirrorred by his first creations, the bateezu whom would be his soldiers to oppose law and order across the multiverse in the war against chaos, instead saw the potential of mortals in their failing battle against the endless hordes of the Abyss. The bateezu recruited mortals by playing off of their baser urges, offering rewards and temptation for the price of their souls and their service in the war for cosmic order, an initiative condemned vehemently by Torek whom had no patience for the games of his creations. Their ensuing rebellion was an incomprehensive rebellion to the Lord of Law, stripping them of their celestial nature and casting them out into the multiverse, they conquered the upper five layers of the Abyss to create the Five Hells as their own bulwark against the tide of chaos. 

Their replacements would be the purely mechanical, unquestioning servants known as the modrons but even this newest iteration of Torek's grand design has proven not to be without flaw given the existence of rogue modrons whom reprogram themselves to find new purpose when left too long without order or directive. 


More personification of a concept than he is a person, even to assign Torek with a gender or name or even the title of deity is an entirely mortal notion in origin. Never known to form an avatar or even maintain anything resembling a humanoid form in his domain of Mechanus, he appears instead as an omnipresent consciousness of the plane itself, the closest thing to resemble a physical form is the Dodecahedron Core locked within the ticking heart of Mechanus. Itself a plane composed of a towering brass and iron metropolis situated upon immense, turning gears that move in perfect unison in accordance to some grand design understood only by it's denizens, the core is said to contain the essence of Torek and perhaps by extension, the one thing that keeps the multiverse's laws together against the march of entropy. 

What little can be truly understood of Torek's grand design is that he endeavours for the maintenance of multiversal order on a cosmic scale and thus pays little heed to mortals and their petty understanding of law. Only when they amass the power to disrupt the natural laws of the world such as striving for ascension to godhood, the destruction of the gods, or other transgressions against the structure of the multiverse is he known to intervene, but he is similarly known to react slowly to the unpredictable events of the material world and sorely underestimate their personal power. By far the most common policing committed by his agents is to detain mortals reaching for godhood or true immortality, but the moment said mortal has attained their new seat among the divine and thus become a part of the natural order, then his servants would turn in a heartbeat to protect their former targets. 


True worship to Torek himself as a deity is a rare choice among mortals owing to his marked disdain towards them and his unknowable goals but true clerics of his faith still walk the surface of Aranor as rare champions against entropy, and more often than not, warriors in the fight against Oohros and all his spawn. Far more common is the worship of his loosely defined 'pantheon', demigods whose origins began as bateezu but chose another path in securing the fealty of mortals in the fight against chaos by way of worship rather than manipulation. Torek's opinion of his associated demigods, if he thinks of them at all, remains a mystery. But one might guess they are now part of the natural order as any other deities and therefore exist under his protection, viewed as impartially as any other.