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The Doomsinger

Of all the pantheons of the Aranorian gods, none may be so feared as the pantheon of Lunissa, the goddess of Death, for she represents what mortals fear most: the end of life, and the great unknown that lies beyond death. Her daughter, the demigoddess Morgana, Bringer of Doom, may be the most feared alongside her sister Seras; It is said she cares little for the plights of mortals, serving as a grim reminder of the inevitability of the end of all things. Her followers are looked upon with suspicious eyes, often referred to as doomsday cultists and harbingers of the apocalypse, bringing with them omens of destruction, with a select few chosen by the demigoddess herself to undertake great - and secretive - tasks in her name.

Time and time again have I attempted to observe and learn what the demigoddess asks of her few faithful, but at every turn I have been rebuffed or warned from interfering in the Church's affairs. What I can infer, however, is that the tasks demanded of them must weigh a heavy burden on the chosen - I see it in the haunted gaze of their eyes, the sag of their shoulders as they contemplate, a brief flash of madness that is gone as soon as it manifests. As a preacher of Alissa, I can only pity what cruelties these poor souls are forced to bear, but the conviction with which they hold themselves is nothing short of admirable: after all, is there no greater reward for such suffering in life, than promised eternal salvation in death?

An Alissan Perspective on the Pantheon of Death, by High Priest Orlon Lightshimmer of Safira

Morgana the Doomsinger, also known as the Lady of the End Times, The Dark Side of the Moon, and the Shadow of the Inevitable, is a member of Lunissa's pantheon. Born along with her twin sister Seras from Lunissa's shed tears, Morgana is easily distinguished from her mother through her cold, pessimistic foretelling of the End Times and her use of undeath as punishment. Throughout Aranor, Morgana's clergy are ever-present as wandering hermits, offering their services as Doomsayers, funerary priests and undertakers before swiftly moving on.


The history of the Doomsinger begins with the Great Despair, a mysterious event that is said to have caused the goddess of Lunissa to be overcome by feelings of grief and sorrow, shedding endless tears for thousands of years. What exactly the catalyst was for this event has been theorized for centuries following the Reawakening of the mortal races, but none so far have been able to come with conclusive proof, all writings of the event having been lost to history.

Nonetheless, what is known is that these tears eventually hardened and formed into the bodies of what would become the twin sisters Morgana and Seras, each embodied with an aspect of their mother's grief - Morgana retained a sense of pessimism, whilst Seras inherited her sadness and loneliness. Aloof and distant, each sister went their own separate ways shortly after being born: Morgana chose to spend her days in her mother's shadow, growing cold and detached from mortal affairs, and finding little sense in the seemingly meaningless trysts in their lives.

Morgana remained on the dark side of the moon until shortly after the Reawakening, watching and observing mortals and occasionally making her presence known through an event known as the Grim Transference. Her interest was piqued when a lone human, a man known only as Cyrus, came to her in the midst of this event and asked for her wisdom. As she prepared to answer his questions, Morgana was struck by a powerful vision that only she seemed to see - a terrifying image of the world as it was, consumed and destroyed by fire and darkness, the souls of the wicked hers to take. Convinced of her purpose as a herald of the End Times and a cold, calculating image of the power death, Morgana came out of the communion renewed, with Cyrus serving as her first priest and the founder of her church.


Much like her mother Lunissa, worship of Morgana is sparse in wider Aranor, concentrated mostly in small sects dotted around the Azuran mainland. The Church of Morgana is a secretive organisation whose faithful believe in the end of all things, often earning the dreaded moniker of Doomsayers, who preach nihilistic sermons meant to evoke fear of the end and respect for the forces of death. The rare chosen who have earned Morgana's favour are further blessed with apocalyptic visions of an impending disaster or punishment, with some choosing to set out to bring these visions to life.

The holy symbol of Morgana is a double-bladed scythe, representing the power of death and the impending End Times.