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  1. Journals

Meeting Eugenius Finister


While following the sinister monks of the Order of the False Prophet from the old sewer system below Heimburg through a rift in one of the caved-in walls to a cave system, the PCs have discovered the entrance to the Catacombs of the Homebuilders. These were the first settlers of the Bauhaus corporation after the terraforming of Venuša on this planet. 

In the middle of the catacombs, they encountered - strangely - a man. His clothes were quite worn down and dirty, still of a bit odd antique style. He presented himself to the players as Eugenius Finister, an archaeology professor of the Heimburg University, who was ecstatic about the find of the Resting place of the First Leaders of the Bauhaus Corporation. With his help, the PCs have solved a puzzle of the Catacombs existence.

While leaving him to further study the place, the PCs have exited the Unknown to find a way to the surface, entering another cave system. In this, they fought couple of Venusian Earthworms and found an old and derelict camp of some cave dweller. Couple of hundred years old have passed since their passing.


To their surprise, the initials on some items could still be deciphered. They read: E.F.