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  1. Characters

Deino Jormun

Player (Justus)

Deino is a pirate at heart and always a pirate. Although separated from his brother, he still sails the seas living out his days. 

The History

Deino was one of the few who were sent after Ryver when it was proven that he was going to fail in his mission. After diving into the water alongside Natsuru and Blackjack, they found themselves amongst a set of old ruins. The three of them explored the space but were unable to find any true traces as to where Ryver went. Only pieces of his clothes were left behind. 

While searching, they were attacked by members of The Hourglass Pirates. Following them to their hideaway, they were caught up with the others in a long combat and were able to rescue Ryver from captivity. 

The Story

After the events that took place, The Aces set forth towards Divelinson. Here is where their Captain Heartless accepted a job that was put out by Princess Diana Voxville. Their new job was to taxi her and her team to Kawit. Here is where Deino was able to converse with the crew deeming them to be delicate flowers. He was silent and not talkative to them but he did warn them that if they felt the urge to vomit while they were sailing then they were to do over the side. 

Gaius , listened to the warning, which caused him to catch the eyes of some whales that were tailing the ship. The whales brought forth some sirens causing a fight to ensue. After the battle, it was noted that Ryver continued to act strangely. Before he knew it the entire ship was taken over by Ryver and others. With the crew now separated from one another, there has been no sign as to what happened to Deino.