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  1. Abilities



Every living creature brought into this world

is a seed, bursting with potential, yet somehow only the truly ambitious are willing to destroy themselves in order to grow into a tree.

― Varkalth, the immortal

A half-elven woman covered from head to toe in black robes is confronted by a group of bandits in a dark forest. As they make their demands, she stares at the ground, refusing to make eye contact with them. One of the bandits draws a sword, but before he can take a single step he is abruptly lifted high into the air. The others look on in horror as monstrous tentacles lash out from the woman, grasping him by the throat.

Illuminated by dim candlelight, a dwarf stares into a
mirror, carefully slotting a strange metallic object into the cavity where his eye once was. A sudden click echoes throughout the small stone chamber as the device springs to life. He blinks and gazes around the room, adjusting his new optical equipment. After a short moment, he places his tools back on the desk in front of him, breathing a sigh of relief.

Sweat drips from a halfling's chin as he kneels within a circle of blood, monsters closing in on all sides. His breath quickens as he unsteadily lifts a shortsword to his shoulder. With one swift motion, he closes his eyes and tears through his upper arm, cleaving it straight from his body. The
halfling’s screams echo throughout the cold stone
halls as bones and flesh rapidly erupt from his
shoulder, forming a horrendous new limb. In an
instant, the pain on his face gives way to a maniacal
grin as he stands up, letting loose with his new

Evolutionists are terrifying warriors; who rather
than building their strength through practice and
training, improve their natural talents by enhancing
and upgrading their body. They reject the idea that
they should play the hand they're dealt, instead seeking
to change the game. Where most accept the body they
are given, evolutionists aim to control it and push it past
it's limits. Each evolutionist has different methods and motivations for upgrading their body, but they all are connected by one common goal: evolution.

Continual Improvement

Evolutionists are defined by their yearning to improve their bodies through methods that go beyond mere training. They achieve this through a variety of means, from inventive alchemy and technology to ancient magics or even pacts with otherwordly beings. No matter the method, an evolutionist begins to change and alter their form by augmenting their body or growing completely new appendages. These
upgrades allow evolutionists to overpower their enemies, either through raw enhanced capability or through unique tactics enabled by their non-standard biology. Evolutionists live a life of continual growth, using the abilities they gain
to travel and enhance their bodies further. They seek challenges to prove themselves, determined to be the best
at everything they can and can't do.

Paradoxical Identities

An evolutionist's body is the foundation of their identity, the ultimate focus of their efforts. For them, the body is the most fundamental, intrinsic expression of identity and purpose - from an elk's antlers to a bat's ears, every biological adaptation has an explicit reason for existing. Evolutionists often chase after their personal concept of a perfected body, often driven by perceptions of physical weakness, mental ineptitude, or visual unattractiveness. The pursuit of perfection is not without its risks, however. Paradoxically, these same individuals who see the body as a form of expression have a tendency to dissociate from it as they stack up modifications. Some come to perceive the body as little more than a tool or vehicle operated by the brain or soul. While this mentality may facilitate even greater upgrades, it begs an uneasy question; where does the person end and the enhancements begin?

Ambitious Sacrifices

Sacrifice is central to the evolutionist's work. They must forfeit parts of themselves - one day, removing a leg to replace it an upgraded prosthetic; the next, altering their appearance to suit a new enhancement. While these physically orientated modifications give them the capability to fight toe to toe with the best of martial combatants, evolutionists have greater ambitions. They push their enhancements further than their body can handle, tearing into their own vitality. Endurance is the most important quality for an evolutionist; the ability to suffer through their ambition is paramount to their success. They stop at nothing in pursuit of their goals; even despite the risk of harm to themselves. Sometimes, they make their greatest sacrifices without even realizing it.

Freakish Forms

As a result of their work, evolutionists almost always look strange. Modifications to their body rarely go unnoticed, often making people wary of them. Opinions regarding individual evolutionists vary drastically, from disgust and fear to respect and admiration. They are often treated differently not just for their appearance, but also the implications it has for their mental state - surely no one who would do that to themselves is right in their head. Dealing with such reactions on a daily basis, evolutionists tend to be able to overcome others' opinions of them with relative ease. Some evolutionists are timid and self-conscious, trying to blend in and cowering at hostility. Others relish the notoriety, happily claiming the spotlight - even negative attention is attention. The most dangerous tolerate no hints of judgement, potentially
flying into a murderous frenzy at
the slightest side-eye.


Creating an Evolutionist

As you create your evolutionist character, you should consider exactly how your character upgrades their body. As a starting character, you’ll choose a method that defines the general nature of your enhancements, but the exact form of your upgrades is up to you. Do you enhance your current body? Or do you remove and replace parts of your body? Is your character methodical and careful when upgrading their body, or do they make changes as crudely and quickly as possible? Your choice in how your character changes their body is integral to their appearance as well as how others treat them. Each upgrade your character attains will change who they are, and it's this progression of changes that defines you as an evolutionist.

Secondly, you should consider why your character decided to follow this controversial and dangerous path. Was it simply a lust for power, or do they have a larger goal? Each evolutionist has a reason for why they continually improve themselves, due to the sacrifices that come with it. Does your character strive to overcome some obstacle? Or is there something your character wishes to change about themselves? Furthermore, you should consider how your character was led to enhancing their body. Were they introduced to the practice by another, or did it begin with a major chaotic event? Did your character choose this path, or was it thrust upon them? Having a clear idea of your character's goals and origins will help you inform your decisions further down the line.

Quick Build

You can make an evolutionist quickly by following these suggestions. First, make Constitution your highest ability score, followed by Strength or Dexterity, based on how you want to fight. Second, choose the criminal or folk hero background. Lastly, choose the Arm Augmentation.

The Evolutionist and Game Tone

The overall tone of the evolutionist class is quite darker than that of those presented in the Players Handbook. From transhumanist themes to potential self amputation, the class as it is described may not be suitable for every table.

When deciding whether to play an evolutionist, you should consult your DM about the game's tone, and whether it fits with the evolutionist class. Even if not, remember that you are the deciding factor in the appearance of your characters modifications, and as such you can avoid many of the dark themes of the class, such as amputating limbs, in favor of modifications which are simply additions to your body. Feel free to change the flavor of any and all features of the class to fit both the tone of your game and your character concept.

Evolutionist Inspiration

The following section offers ways to add a depth and detail to your evolutionist character. You can use the tables below as a source of inspiration, or roll a die to randomly determine a result if desired.

Class Origin

The path of the evolutionist is one that most avoid instinctively, as the self sacrificial and gruesome arts of the practice turn most away. As such, an evolutionist's origins are immensely important to them and integral to deciding path they choose to follow.

Class Origins
d6I became an evolutionist because ...
      1      As a child I was mocked by my peers. Later in
life another promised me great power, and I
took the opportunity.
2I developed an intense curiosity for altering my own body; I wanted to find out what it felt like.
3I worked under an evolutionist and was inspired by their willpower. As they taught me their personal methods, I followed in their footsteps.
4After a brutal battle, I was left mortally wounded; making drastic changes to my body was the only way for me to stay alive.
5I was captured and used as a lab rat. After my escape, I grew attached to my modifications,
and continued down the evolutionary path.
6I lost one of my limbs and sought to replace it. Eventually, I found someone who showed how to recover what I had lost.

Modification Style

Evolutionists often use their bodily modifications to express their internal identities, attempting to make the image of their idealized self a reality. This ambition drives the appearance of their enhancements, granting each evolutionist a unique modification style which they can call their own.

Modification Styles
      1      Sinister. Your modifications are large and bestial, giving you a terrifying form.
2Beautiful. The alterations you make to your body are centered around making you more attractive.
3Crude. Your enhancements are basic and lack features, only there to serve their purpose.
4Brutal. When you upgrade your body, you often mutilate a part of it to make room first.
5Covert. You hide your modifications as best as possible. Most don't notice at first glance.
6Wondrous. Your extraordinary and astounding enhancements are open for all to see.


From the beginning, each evolutionist has a distinct goal - something they are building towards which becomes the central point of their efforts. Very few evolutionists lack an endeavor, as without one, an evolutionist would have no reason to go through the extreme torment which comes with modifying their body.

      1      You have a vendetta against a certain person or organization and enhance yourself in order to eventually take them down.
2Body modification is an act of self representation for you.
3You have a morbid desire to discover just how far you can push your body.
4Immortality is your ultimate goal.
5You are obsessed with perfection. You seek to eliminate all of your imperfections to become a perfect being.
6You always want what everyone else has, modifying your body to mimic those around you.
7Immense strength is needed to effectively slay evil and protect those who are in need, and you will go to any lengths to acquire such power.
8You seek to become the most powerful creature that the world has ever seen.


The process of mutilating limbs, attaching new parts, and developing at an extremely unnatural rate takes a toll on an evolutionist's mind. As they continue to alter their body, they also alter their perception of themselves, becoming detached from what truly makes them who they are. Their mind begins to change with their body, and as a result, they often begin to develop behavioral abnormalities.

      1      You are very protective of yourself, thinking that everything and everyone is hell bent on your destruction.
2You are unnaturally energetic and often eerily excited about the smallest things.
3You are the smartest, wisest, strongest, fastest, and most beautiful person you know.
4You are unreasonably irritated with the all of the imperfections in the world around you.
5You have discovered that you really enjoy killing people.
6You have grown to enjoy bodily pain, flinging yourself into situations that could cause you physical torment.

The Evolutionist
1st+21Evolutionary Method, Augmentation
2nd+21Metabolic Ignition, Upgrades, Visceral Surge (1/rest)12
4th+21Ability Score Improvement23
5th+32Extra Attack, Visceral Surge (2/rest)34
6th+32Evolutionary Method feature34
8th+32Ability Score Improvement45
11th+43Relentless Combustion67
12th+43Ability Score Improvement67
13th+54Visceral Surge (3/rest)68
15th+54Evolutionary Method feature79
16th+54Ability Score Improvement79
18th+65Evolutionary Method feature810
19th+65Ability Score Improvement811
20th+65Final Form, Immortality improvement811

Class Features

As an evolutionist, you gain the following class features.

Hit Points

  • Hit Dice: 1d10 per evolutionist level
  • Hit Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier
  • Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Constitution modifier per evolutionist level after 1st


  • Armor: Light armor, medium armor, shields
  • Weapons: Simple weapons, martial weapons
  • Tools: None

  • Saving Throws: Constitution, Charisma
  • Skills: Choose two from Acrobatics, Athletics, Intimidation, Medicine, Stealth, and Survival


You start with the following equipment, in addition to the equipment granted by your background:

  • (a) scale mail, (b) studded leather, or (c) any simple weapon
  • (a) a maul, (b) two scimitars, or (c) any martial weapon
  • (a) two spears, (b) two daggers, or (c) a set of artisan’s tools
  • An explorer’s pack and a shield

Alternatively, you can ignore the equipment listed above and in your background, and buy 4d4 x 10 gp worth of equipment from Chapter 5 of the Player’s Handbook.

Evolutionary Method

You have an distinct method to upgrading your body, which determines the nature of your enhancements. Choose one of the following methods: Fleshstiching, Infusion, Innovation, Mutation, Symbiosis, or Worship, each of which is detailed at the end of the class description. Your choice grants you features at 1st level, a method spell list at 2nd level, and additional benefits at 6th, 15th, and 18th levels.

Method Spell Lists

Each method has a list of spells associated with it, detailed in its description. At 2nd level, the spells presented on that list are added to the evolutionist spell list for you.


Each evolutionist begins with an augmentation, which is a foundation for their enhancements, defining the types of upgrades they will be able to attain later down the line.

Starting at 1st level, you modify your body with an augmentation, choosing one of the options below. You can choose another augmentation to implement when you reach 3rd and 10th level, which cannot be one you already have.

The power of your augmentations is determined by your augmentation stage, which begins at one. As you gain more levels in this class, this number will increase, as seen on the Augmentation Stage column of the Evolutionist table.

Some augmentations and other features from this class grant you access to natural weapons. These natural weapons have the following properties:

  • You are proficient with them, and you can use Strength or Dexterity for their attack and damage rolls.
  • They deal 1d8 bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage, as appropriate for the natural weapon.
  • Starting at 3rd level, they are considered magical for the purpose of overcoming resistances and immunities.

Arm Augmentation

You gain a bonus to damage rolls you make with non-natural weapons equal to half your augmentation stage (rounded up). Additionally, you can use either of your arms as natural weapons, which also gain the benefit of this feature.

Core Augmentation

Your hit point maximum is increased by an amount equal to five times your augmentation stage.

Exterior Augmentation

While you are not wearing armor, your AC equals 15 + your augmentation stage. You can wield a shield and still gain this benefit.

Growth Augmentation

You gain up to three new bodily features which can be used as natural weapons, but can't wield weapons or shields. When you attack with one of them, you gain a bonus to the attack roll equal to half your augmentation stage (rounded up).

Head Augmentation

You gain proficiency in Perception and one other skill of your choice. Also, you gain a bonus to Intelligence, Wisdom, and Charisma saving throws equal to your augmentation stage.

Leg Augmentation

Your walking speed increases by 5 feet plus an additional amount of feet equal to five times your augmentation stage. Also, you can use either of your legs as natural weapons.

Metabolic Ignition

As an evolutionist progresses further, their modifications become more gruesome. They begin to use their own body as a fuel source; consuming their own vitality to crush their foes.

Starting at 2nd level, you can use your bonus action to enter a state of metabolic ignition. When you do, you choose one of your augmentations to ignite, gaining benefits based on your choice while you remain ignited. You can only have one augmentation ignited at a given time.

Your Augmentations

    Arm Augmentation. You can implement the Arm Augmentation into one or both of your arms, possibly by altering the muscle fibers within them or by encasing them to enhance their power. You could also mutilate them instead, replacing them entirely to gain the power you seek.

Core Augmentation. The Core Augmentation is a modification to the torso of the body, most often by augmenting the area in an around the heart to increase survivability. You might even replace your heart or other organs entirely to do so.

Exterior Augmentation. Your defense is bolstered when you gain the Exterior Augmentation, which could be gained by implementing a protective layer under your skin, covering your entire body in a durable overcoat, or by gaining a full exoskeleton.

Growth Augmentation. There are many ways to implement the Growth Augmentation, but it always involves gaining new parts to use as weapons. These new bodily features can take any form of your choice, such as sharpened teeth, hooves, a tail, claws, fangs, spines, horns, or tentacles.

Head Augmentation. Improving your senses and mind is your main goal when implementing the Head Augmentation. You can do so by replacing parts of your head, by morphing it's entire structure, or enhancing individual facial features.

Leg Augmentation. Speed is the key for the Leg Augmentation, which affects one or both of your legs. You could cover your legs with a strong frame, or change their structure entirely. You can also mutilate them, replacing them with stronger legs, or some entirely new type of appendage.

     When you first ignite and at the start of each of your turns thereafter while you are ignited, your current hit points are reduced by an amount equal to 2 + your proficiency bonus. This does not count as damage or affect your concentration. At the start of your turn, before this hit point reduction takes effect, you can choose to end your metabolic ignition as a bonus action. It also ends if you are incapacitated.


  • Arm Augmentation: The first time on each of your turns that you hit an attack which receives the augmentation's damage bonus, it deals extra damage equal to an additional roll of the weapon's damage dice + your augmentation stage.
  • Core Augmentation: You gain temporary hit points equal to your Constitution modifier + three times your augmentation stage at the end of each of your turns.
  • Exterior Augmentation: While you are not wearing armor, you have resistance to bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage.
  • Growth Augmentation: Once on each of your turns when you make a weapon attack with one of the natural weapons gained from the augmentation, you can repeat the attack as a part of the same action.
  • Head Augmentation: You have advantage on attack rolls, unless disadvantage would normally apply to the roll.
  • Leg Augmentation: The speed increase gained from the augmentation is doubled, and your movement doesn't provoke opportunity attacks.


The next stage in an evolutionist's path of enhancement is upgrades, which are a vast set of unique modifications, each of which giving the user specific benefits. Most upgrades requite a specific augmentation to be implemented.

Starting at 2nd level, you gain one upgrade of your choice from the upgrade list at the end of the class description. At certain levels thereafter you gain additional upgrades, as seen on the Upgrades column of the Evolutionist table.

Upgrade Spells Lists

Each upgrade has a list of spells associated with it, detailed in its description. Whenever you gain an upgrade, the spells on its list are added to the evolutionist spell list for you.

Visceral Surge

By 2nd level, you have developed the ability to create spell-like effects. Delving into the reaches of your being, you siphon power from your body, funneling it into your enhancements to unleash a surge of your inner power. See Chapter 10 of the Players Handbook for the general rules of spellcasting.

Casting Evolutionist Spells

You cast your developed evolutionist spells without using spell slots, at a level equal to your augmentation stage. You can cast one spell using this feature. You must then finish a short or long rest in order to use your Visceral Surge again.

For example, at 5th level your augmentation stage is two, so you would cast evolutionist spells as 2nd-level spells.

Beginning at 5th level, you can use your Visceral Surge twice between rests, and when you reach 13th level, you can use it three times between rests. When you finish a short or long rest, you regain your expended uses.

The Appearance of Your Alterations

    Upgrades. Each upgrade is fairly broad when it comes to their general appearance - you decide the appearance of your upgrades. When considering what each of your upgrades look like, consider your evolutionary method, how your character would upgrade their body, the augmentation prerequisites of the upgrade, and the effects that the upgrade produces. Be creative with each individual upgrade.

Visceral Surge. Evolutionists do not cast spells like wizards or sorcerers - the spell-like effects they generate are purely driven by the modifications they make to their body. As such, developing an evolutionist spell requires altering the body; and similar to upgrades, you decide how that modification manifests. When considering how you unleash each of your individual spells, you should consider the source of the spell, whether that be from an upgrade or from your Evolutionary Method, as well as the effects that the spell creates. Consider each of your spells and invent unique, creative ways for them to be cast.

Spells Developed of 1st Level and Higher

At 2nd level, you develop two 1st-level spells of your choice from the evolutionist spell list, which is initially empty. You will have already begun building your own spell list through your Evolutionary Method and upgrades, and will continue to do so as you progress further as an evolutionist.

The Spells Developed column of the Evolutionist table shows when you develop more evolutionist spells of your choice of 1st level and higher. A spell you choose must be of a level no higher than your augmentation stage. For example, when you reach 5th level, you develop a new evolutionist spell, which can be 1st or 2nd level.

Additionally, when you gain a level in this class, you can choose one of the evolutionist spells you know and replace it with another spell from the evolutionist spell list, which also must be of a level no higher than your augmentation stage.

If you develop a spell which has (self only) after its name, you can only target yourself when you cast it.

Spellcasting Ability

Constitution is your spellcasting ability for your evolutionist spells, since the power of your spells is drawn from your own body. You use Constitution whenever a spell refers to your spellcasting ability. In addition, you use Constitution when setting the saving throw DC for an evolutionist spell you cast and when making an attack roll with one.

Spell save DC 8 + your proficiency bonus +

your Constitution modifier

Spell attack modifier your proficiency bonus +

your Constitution modifier

Augmented Casting

You can use any modified part of your body as a spellcasting focus for your evolutionist spells, and whenever you cast one, you can perform the somatic components even if you have weapons or a shield in one or both hands.

Ability Score Improvement

When you reach 4th level, and again at 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can increase one ability score of your choice by 2, or you can increase two ability scores of your choice by 1. As normal, you can't increase an ability score above 20 using this feature.

Extra Attack

Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.


Starting at 7th level, whenever you finish a long rest, you can replace any lost body parts, such as fingers, legs, arms or eyes, with replacement parts. If the part had enhancements, you also regain them. Natural parts replaced with this feature look noticeably different from their original form.

Characters with Missing Body Parts

If your character with missing body parts becomes an evolutionist (either by starting class or by multiclass), you can replace those parts at no cost. When you do, you can only regain what you lost, and nothing more. For example, if your character lost an eye, you can regain that eye this way, but if you wanted blindsight instead, you would have to try to gain that through your upgrade feature.

Relentless Combustion

Starting at 11th level, when you enter your metabolic ignition, you can choose to ignite two augmentations instead of one.
If you do, the amount of hit points you lose at the start of your turn is doubled for the duration of your metabolic ignition.


Starting at 14th level, for every 10 years that pass, your body ages only 1 year, and you are immune to being magically aged.

By 20th level, you are immortal. You no longer age.

Final Form

At 20th level, you reach your final form. Choose one of your augmentations. You permanently gain its ignition benefits.

Optional Rule: Multiclassing

    Ability Score Minimum. You must have at least a Constitution score of 13 and Strength or Dexterity score of 13 to take a level in this class or multiclass into another class as an evolutionist.

Proficiencies Gained. If evolutionist isn't your initial class, you gain the following proficiencies when you take your first level as an evolutionist: light and medium armor, shields, simple and martial weapons.

Casting Spells. You can cast your developed evolutionist spells using spell slots gained from other classes, and you can use your Visceral Surge feature to cast spells you know or have prepared from other classes.

Evolutionary Methods

An evolutionist's method is fundamental to their being - it is the vital gateway which allows them to modify their body and the path which sets them apart from others of their kind. An evolutionist's method is a defining factor in their appearance, the determiner of their power source, and a thorough representation their identity. Without an evolutionary method, one would not be an evolutionist.

Each of the methods vary wildly from each other in terms of their abilities and appearance, as they all take very different approaches to the task of upgrading one's own body. The method you choose will define your character and decide how they will grow and change for the rest of their life.