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A girl with feathered ears, whose fire has the ability to heal

Born one of two feathery twin Godlings, Linette has been through a lot in life.
Born into the peasant cast of a nation lead by a cult-like church of a so-called Living God... having to live in hiding because her sheer existence as a Godling puts a thorn in this Living God's side... got smuggled out of said nation under the cult's nose once her divine heritage started to show.... lived the life of a wandering refugee in the chaotic, untamed lands ruled by all manner of local bandit lords.... got her sister kidnapped by said bandits... carelessly (or stupidly, in her sister's words) offering her help the band of travelers that saved her sister...

Who thus placed her as the defacto leader of a growing nation in said bandit country.

Yeah, she's not sure how that happened either.

But it doesn't change what has happened, nor can she go back on her word. This is her position now, these lands are hers to guard and keep safe.

Given her very narrow window of experience with the sorts who lead nations... she's downright terrified of the position she's wound up in. Who's to say she won't lead the nation into creating another cult? Or worse, get used as a pawn by the one she fled?

tl;dr: Local Aasimar is a cult escapee who is trying desperately to not follow in the footsteps of the guy in charge of the cult/nation she escaped from... only to find herself in charge of her own budding nation.