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A living lie detector of a grave cleric, disillusioned with the world at large.
Slow to trust and suspicious in nature.

Sole survivor of a thieves guild, absolutely going to steal back what was taken from her.

A name of no importance, this blue-eyed aasimar swears. Born onto the streets, and well-wary of the dangers that lurk there-in, Katya is the last remaining survivor of a previously successful criminal ring. A so-called 'thieves guild', or at least one that ran afoul of the local government. As a cleric, and an aasimar at that, she was a bit of an odd duck to see in the thick of the criminal underworld - but her perceptive abilities and religious creeds had made her useful as a lie detector... and as a deliverer of last rights, if necessary.

But her abilities lay with the grave, not with the living - she held no ability to prevent her group's downfall, or everyone's capture. And truth be told, she should be in the grave with the rest of them. It's only thanks to her partner in crime's antics that she'd been able to slip through the cracks, and escape with her life.

Her partner's sacrifice and her own subsequent freedom are gifts she has no intention of taking for granted - now the question is how long before the authorities find out they have a little escaped mouse on their hands.