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Very lazy but still dangerous monster cat


It’s said that when a cat lives too long, it starts doing odd things. Like walking on its hind legs, talking in human tongue, starting fires, and that it’s tail splits in two. It’s also said that one time when one of these cats grew old, it set the entire town on fire when it was spooked by its own tail catching fire.

And that is why Japanese cats have bobbed tails.

It’s just supposed to be a myth of course, but the bob-tailed cat behind it is real. 

Once a beloved housecat… and still a beloved housecat, Kinkai slinks through alleyways and unsuspecting humans with her her seemingly normal cat appearance. Just to see what sort of shenanigans she can get into - or perhaps just to masquerade among humans with a human face. Monster cats have all sorts of abilities like that, after all.

Either way, she has no evil plans. Humans are too useful to her, with their convenient food sources, and warm laps. And it’s not like they’ve noticed that she’s lived a little too long. So their takeover can wait. For now.