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Fluffy primate-killing beast familiar tamed by Humanity

Obligatory fate/typemoon series content warnings apply


A "cute animal" that appears to be able to freely walk around the Chaldea Security Organization. However, Fou states that if he were let to normally mature, he would eventually degenerate into an "unsightly monstrosity."

In truth, Fou is the 4th Beast among the 7 beasts in Fate/Grand Order. It sacrificed its own power as BEAST IV to revive Mashu Kyrielight, giving her a normal human's lifespan. After that, it apparently became a normal animal beast, giving up it’s sentience.

… though, it sure seems to still be plenty sentient. Maybe it’s still got some of its power left…

The form known as “Fou” exists in timelines, where the Common Sense of Man pulses with life, and the Twenty-Seven Dead Apostle Ancestors do not exist as an organization, halting it’s maturity as a Beast.