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Very pissed off oracle cursed to have her predictions disbelieved.

Obligatory fate/typemoon series content warnings apply

Very Unfortunate Warnings: slavery, non-con


Eldest daughter of King Priam and Queen Hecabe, beautiful and clever princess of Troy, priestess of Apollo and self-proclaimed oracle.... considered naught but an utterly mad soothsayer. Well, perhaps not completely mad - it’s not her fault that she was perceived to be a liar. Apollo was to blame for that.

The sun god, who had fallen in love with her, gave her the gift of premonition as a show of his affections and as an enticement to sleep with him - but when she foresaw him leaving her like many greek gods do, she decided to reject him instead before a tragedy had a chance to unfurl. Sadly, this backfired on her - unable to take back his gift once granted, he cursed her premonitions to never be believed. 

A shame, truly - if only her many prophecies had been believed, perhaps then the city of Troy could have been saved, and the fates of her and her family averted. 

Disgruntled, pessimistic, and distraught, Cassandra is every bit of a madwoman as she was during the height of her time, her attitude sarcastic and sharp of tongue. She wasn’t believed then, why would she believed now? Woe be to her master, to have luck so abysmal that they summoned a servant as weak and powerless as her.

But the situation isn’t as bad as it could be, she supposes - her premonitions are still intact. Even if no-one else believed their outcomes, she knew very well how true they would come to be, and her cleverness is still just as sharp as her tongue. Perhaps if she could stay two steps ahead of her opponents, attempt to escape the situation with her life, attempt to get the grail before they could, then maybe she could have a chance? 

If only to see how far she could go? 

Well… it’s at least a nice pipe dream, isn’t it?
Fate had never been that kind to her. Why ever would it be kind now?

Well, whatever. She already knows the outcome, even if she won’t say it - so she may as well sit back and enjoy her time outside the Throne while it lasts.