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"Youkai Hiding in the Darkness"

A grue which looks like a small child.

Don’t step into the dark.


A low-level youkai who wanders gensokyo. She’s not the sharpest crayon in the box, and has the intellect, disposition, and appearance of a child.  

Because she looks like a child, she hunts humans by hoping to get their guards down, ala ‘small child on side of abandoned road’ gimmick ... Unfortunately, this strategy is glaringly obvious, and she is not very successful. All in all, she’s a wandering youkai who’s relatively harmless. Relatively.

Her personality is generally extremely happy-go-lucky, carefree, and whimsical. 

Despite this, she will absolutely sell you for one corn chip if it means she’s allowed to eat you. Are you someone she can eat?