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“The lnhuman Arm That Abandoned Virtue and Embraced Vice”

AKA: a disembodied arm of an oni that gained it's own sentience.

Yes, i'm being serious. Prepare yourself.


Kasen Ibaraki, the former oni bandit known as Ibaraki-douji, also known as a hermit currently living topside of Gensokyo. This is not her. This is Kasen’s missing arm.

Technically, this disembodied arm is Kasen - they are in fact the same person. When Ibaraki-douji’s arm was cut off back in the Heian-era, it sealed away all of Kasen’s malevolence as well. This malevolence dwelled down in Hell for centuries, and eventually gained sentience for itself, isolated from its other half. This has lead to two separate instances of Kasen, each with a different mindset spawning from two different time periods. She’s who Kasen used to be, an echo of the original Ibaraki-douji.

Though she joined briefly with her full body and became whole again, she was ultimately defeated and sealed away, her box currently kept as a memento by her original self.

The arm behaves like a proper oni of her time period. A bit old fashioned, maybe, so please bear with her - as far as she’s concerned, humans are absolutely worth nothing more than being the main course of a good feast.