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“There is a legend about a cursed island in a town in Syracuse. Legend has it that people who go there will see horrible phantoms, and the cold and heat envisioned in their brains will become reality. Bleeding wounds appear on the arms like a sprout shoot, and the weak people seem to be able to clearly feel the curse itself ... and the culprit that caused all these phenomena was a poor child who was infected without knowing it, and could not control his source skills. Do you understand? If you understand, don’t ask me how I got hurt. How would I know? Give me the remaining apples in the stock. I have to try to make sure that I can make Miss Shamare happy …”


A girl from the western part of Syracuse, whose island home had been subjected to all sorts of rumors and legends the past three or four years. Her existence had been revealed after some adventurous investigators travelled to the mansion on the lake’s island to discover the truth. It seems that she was related to the owner of the island, abandoned there along with several scared servants.

The source of the problem was simpler than expected - underneath the island’s surface was a large quantity of Originium, easily visible to the naked eye if one dug shallowly beneath the surface. Infected by exposure, the child simply came into her abilities unknowingly, and subjected the inhabitants of the mansion to her powers accidentally. Once it was found that the child couldn’t control the abilities granted by her infection, she was admitted to Rhodes for treatment, and has since been approved to participate lightly as an Operator to help learn how to control herself. The locals were relieved that the child was gone, but she was simply another victim of the accident.

All in all, an quiet child who unsettles the adults around her.
Other kids at Rhodes seem okay with her, though.


Silent and indifferent, but usually well-meaning.
Has some odd interests that others can’t understand.
Occasionally talks to herself.
Really likes apples.
Often communicates by using her doll “Little Morty” as a proxy.
Claims either evil spirits or her doll is causing the curses, eerie events, and her charred clothes
Creepy Little Girl Is Haunted And May Be A Witch - More At 11.