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Paranormal investigator who sees and manipulates boundaries.
Unintentionally slips through realities. 
May or may not be crushing on her partner in crime.


Far within the near future, where humanity’s understanding of science has reached its peak. Where all known mysteries have all been uncovered. Where nothing is left to be discovered within the world. This is the world of reality for Maeriberi Hearn, and her partner in crime, Renko Usami. A pair of two university students living within the age, these two hide a secret that makes them stand out from the crowd. Within their eyes they each carry an uncanny ability, capable of viewing things which normal humans cannot. A secret kept between the two of them, the existence of such abilities unnatural, anomalies to be rejected by the reality known to the world in which they live.

For Merry, the ability to see boundaries has always been her reality. The rips and tears between physical and even metaphorical concepts, the seams and gaps which make up the world as we know it. An inherited ability, it has existed within her lineage since ancient times. Not only can she see them - she can visit beyond them as well. Landscapes from time immemorial, castles which float upside down, satellites lost in space. Eras long past. Impossible locations. Creatures witnessed which should not exist. And sometimes, she brings these things back with her. These are not mere dreams.

But for others, such a thing is the talk of madmen. After all, how can such things be unknown? How can other worlds beyond their own exist? What good comes from being able to view the unknown? In a world where the state of their lives came to be through fear of what we do not know?

Thankfully, she is not without support.

Renko Usami, a physics student who also attends her university, believes in her ability. After all, Renko’s eyes are uncanny in a way all their own. Able to tell her time and location from the stars and the moon respectively, to an uncanny degree - not even to mention the associations are opposite of what those celestial bodies tell. Why should it be unbelievable that Merry’s eyes can do the impossible, when hers are similarly uncanny too?

For this reason, she believes in what Merry is capable of seeing. And that, if Merry is able to physically bring things back from the places she sees in these so-called dreams….. perhaps they’re not truly dreams. Merry is not a madwoman, and Renko is sure of it. If Merry’s perception of what is real and what is not has become unsure, then perhaps Merry should make these dreams of hers into her own reality. This is worthwhile to pursue.

Together, these two are the sole remaining members of the Secret Sealing Club. A club for ‘necromancers’ and ‘mediums’, with the sole purpose of exposing boundaries, researching and bringing to reality the places which Merry sees, and to discover these remaining mysteries on Earth.