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Green-thumbed Apprentice


Annabelle is the ‘adopted child’ of the Lavoie family. 

Read: ‘adopted’ = ‘willfully kidnapped’ (as magicians are prone to doing). 
Key word: Willfully - she asked to be taken.

In a bit of an unexpected incident, Anna had (for lack of a better term) kicked off her Evolution prematurely. Her body and mental state weren’t ready to handle the sheer amount of power she had gained access to. And it was a mess.

The local community’s options were ‘steal her away and help her through it’ or ‘if she somehow survives evolving prematurely, then we let her fend for herself and create a complete ruckus due to uncontrollable abilities.’

They took the route with less collateral damage. Bridgette is the magician currently looking after her well being.

Due to this premature evolution, she doesn’t have a good handle on controlling her abilities, and has trouble reigning herself back. She’s got a lot of power kicking through her veins, and she doesn’t know how to set the dial on it back to ‘low’. Thankfully, her abilities are still relatively small in scale and limited in scope. She IS learning how to rein them in, even if slowly. As long as you aren’t a plant, you’ve got nothing to worry about. For now. She’s barred from practicing on non-plant matter, but that won’t stop her from testing her limits.

Outside of that, she IS a current missing person’s case in Lumoise - one from thirty years ago, and her abilities aren’t subtle. Everyone who knew her back from when she was human is still alive - it’s only a matter of time until she gets recognized.