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Much like any other human but they have the ability to channel the energy around them into a specific skill. These skills are generally dubbed under the umbrella term of 'Magic'. Magic users are very uncommon, but being able to use magic and never learning to use it is very common.

Magic is generally considered a myth among the public and kept hidden for good reasons. Magic users used to be heavily prosecuted and because of this those who use it generally hide it.

The Averian government has a secret registry of people it keeps an eye on and they do their best to work with those on it so no one makes anyone's life miserable. 

 Construct; creating solid objects from nothing. This is an uncommon ability set but can be extremely powerful and dangerous. It takes longer to prove yourself free of the registry and often these magic users are watched for another two to four years.

  Casting; your wide range of spells built around time and energy, from healing through touch to casting hallucinations. Most come with wild varieties of flourish and stand out in almost all situations. Due to the wide variety of this magic, it’s hard to keep a solid list and many slip through the cracks. As technology has spread this magic type has had the easiest time adapting,

   Augment; a dangerous and hard to track magic type that augments a casters body in some way and on rare occasions can be spread to someone else. A good example would be super speed or skin that hardens like rock. 

A variation in magic exists, a subtype, generally dubbed as a 'Gamma'. These people can handle channeling wild amounts of energy and aren't exhausted by the action. These people are generally feared and many cults exist around said fear. However, being a gamma is fairly common and most never learn to use magic due to it generally being well hidden.

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