1. Locations

Esk'tana (Lost)


The Land of Esken

Although very similar to the Feywild, Esken is a land drenched in magic and a long complicated history. The origins of Esken start out as a small forest filled with the progenitors of many different fey creatures. The land is imbued with magic due to several ley lines crossing underneath the land. Several of these ley lines cross in multiple places across the area, but the most potent area has five separate ley lines that cross in a specific point.


Due to the nature of this crossroads, the ancients dictated that a garden and a fountain should be placed above the well of power to prevent the possibility of corruption. At the center of the multi layered fountain a semi-sentient tree was planted to protect the fountain along with a group of chosen humanoid protectors.

Inevitably the tree died of absorbing too much power as the tree was not sentient enough to be able to use the magic that poured into it. Each protecting tree has been planted within the remains of its predecessor and the protectors found these trees began to last longer before dying from the amount of power.

As time passed the area became named Taluz-Esk'tana's-Capital and a city grew up around it, and then a kingdom. The kingdom became a vast Empire over time the empire was called Esk'tanna.Based on the forest of Esken.


The Empire became extremely advanced and was run by mages who over time grew to only care for the advancement of their knowledge and power. However, as all empires do--this empire fell leaving in its wake, a changed world. When Esk'tana fell over twenty thousand years ago after its historic five thousand years of conquest and advancement, nature took the land back.

However, Taluz remained as did the protectors of the fount and tree. Roughly two hundred years after the fall of Esk’tana, when the reclamation was mostly complete the tree died yet again--without warning. The mages did not have a clear plan of which seed they should replace the old tree with.

There had been many debates in recent times of possibly placing a dryad seed there or some other seed--maybe taking an awakened sapling and placing it there. It was highly debated and distracted the protectors from their duty of protecting the land.