Oclor was once a massive port city home of several massive guilds and a lot of prominent merchants. Resting along the East coast of the Empire of Unarith.

A red dragon (name not known as of yet) destroyed Oclor for reasons unknown. Luckily a seer was alerted to the danger and a good deal of the people of this massive city were saved but mass casualties still happened.

Reigning Nobility:
 Lord Kharis Song and his wife Errai Song.

Prominent Guilds:
Red Lions Adventuring Guild

The  Pawrific Adventuring Guild

White Wolf Guild--Smugglers, Thieves

Prominent Merchants:
The Tinkertons; Nelisora and Mirrindris.
Bearclaw Clan; Sordran the Vast, Rikkor, Pike Bearclaw, Azaria Bearclaw.