1. Journals

WIP: Creation Mythos

Many, many ages ago there was a flash of light in the dark as the cosmos began to be created by the old ones. The old ones appeared unfurling from places unknown and as they unfurled their creations among the stars took shape, plants, stars, and a vast creation of many things took place.

After some time the old ones grew tired of their usual form of creation, and took a different approach with Ethri’il as they created this new world (800,000 B.C.E). They decided to give their first creations a new form of life.

The old ones took part of themselves and created their first divinely powered children. (700,000 B.C.E) They gave these children the power to exist endlessly along with the power to create and shape their own world and lives without interference--as they left the world it was swarmed by many orbs of shining light and divine power; where these orbs touched rose the new life. The old ones swore to return one day to see what this choice had wrought. The colorful orbs landed all across the world imbuing various creatures, elements and the like with divine power.

The first to awaken was Analia, born of a sapling that a golden orb touched. Awakened by the divine spark, analia arose curious of the lively forest around her. The animals of the forest around her greeted her in their own ways, sensing her power, she made her way through the world seeking others like herself whilst caring for those that resided within her forest home. She created new plants and animals as she walked searching for something--she could not explain. From her steps and loving care many an awakened plant and animal rose to become guardians of her forests.

Likewise across the world many other’s arose, curious and searching for something they too could not explain. The orbs brought life to many great and powerful beings, taking many forms. 

B.C.E = Before Common Era

The elemental gods of many pantheons arose during this time--Life, Death, Fire, Water, Earth, and Air were the basis of all living things--and as such were the first to arise.

Realms of Afterlife

Realms of Afterlife:

When someone dies in Ethri'il they immediately appear in a line before a massive gate with glowing arcane runes upon it. People within the line are encouraged to walk single file through the gate one at a time. The gate judges the souls that walk through it.

This Gate, then sends the souls to one of 4 realms.

Limbo & Testing : This realm consists of four  domains. Meant to be a test of character--to weed those who deserve a peaceful after life from those who do not deserve such. It is also a catch all place for when the gate is overwhelmed with more than one soul passing through it. The Domains are as follows, The Wastes (Desert/Wasteland), Land of the Wayward (Swamp/Jungle/Wetlands), The Frigid Climb (Mountainous/Artic land scape), The Endless Sea (Sea/Ocean area with a few desert islands with very little upon them).

Realm of Plenty: This is where all good endings take place, each pantheon has a domain within this realm--but no one realm is fully cut off from another. For why should the good be forced to never see their beloved friends and family if they should aspire to a different pantheon?

Realm of Endless Torment: This is where all souls who cannot be redeemed suffer for eternity. If a soul can be redeemed they serve a sentence and then are sent to the Limbos as a test to see if they can find their way--and to see if they truly learned their lesson.

New Lands of Rebirth: New to the world are the dual domains of rebirth. Filnar and Raenisa share the domains of Rebirth where souls can now choose to be reborn after a period of time.

It is said that souls that have yet to pass the Gate are far easier to bring back, and those who have passed the Gate--are much more difficult to retrieve.
While in the limbo realms--Spirits can indeed feel hot/cold, all emotions and some new ones, they can feel hungry and tired... they feel everything as its meant to mimic the mortal realms.


Dawning (800,001 Years Ago) Rise of the Divine Creation (750,000 Years Ago) Birth of the Divine Children (735,000) Age of Territories (725,000 Years Ago) Age of Mages and Countries (699,999 Years Ago) Dragons and Giants(500,000 Years Ago) Necrolord Need To Name Rises (400,000 Years Ago) (300,000 Years Ago) City Nation of Need to Name Disappears (200,000 Years Ago) (100,000 Years Ago) (75,000 Years Ago) (50,000 Years Ago) Waemid The Great Kingdom--The New Rise of Magocracy (25,000 Years Ago) Rise of Unarith the New Elf Empire (15,000 Years Ago) The Age of The Barrier (10,000 Years Ago)