1. Journals

The Outcast Guild

Before Recording Sessions

In here you'll find a collection of session notes/recaps from The Outcast Guild. Many of these are recaps were written after games as quick summaries as the DM got more involved in world-building and then recording these slowed down....and eventually stopped.

Session 1 through Session 6


The currently unnamed rag tag group of adventurers awakes and wanders the town of Oclor.

After a few tense moments during the initial meeting in the Southern Docks also known as the "Old Warf", the duo of De'lana and Nuvian went to the
Red Lions adventurer's guild to meet up with a contact of De'lana-Former-PlayerThe remainder of the party heard a crier say that there were new bounties to be had on the bounty board. The one everyone chose to follow was labeled "Urgent" "Dangerous" A Mad-Druid-of-Oclor gone mad.

After a bit of conversation with Inzia Kilxus, the guild leader of the Red Lions, it is learned that the city had an agreement with a druid. For their help with keeping the farms healthy. However, the druid was a bit of a mad scientist, and was creating new creatures, but well something went off the tracks. Now experiments are attacking caravans!

The team is given a few magical bags. Asked to investigate and bring/send back what they can. The druid is wanted--dead or alive. The starting bounty is 3000g for the party to split with each other. For each creature/sample/drawing the bounty gains additional rewards.

The party made their way through a forest and found the Druid's Maze! De'lana, Nuvian, and Nejosha "Josha" Nevon hit a jack pot of items! They solved a riddle for a statue and found a hidden area  that had good berries and a treasure chest. Then they found an area that is filled with mushrooms used for magic & fought a water elemental. Josha nearly died 2-3 times.

Azaria Bearclaw-Mara'thir found her way back to the group! Only to end up surrounded by the mushroom-infected-Kobolds-Clan that are essentially enslaved by their fear of the Druid. De'lana quickly uses her words and turns the situation around meeting with the queen of them and striking a deal? Sorta? Then due to blocked passages, the team is forced underground into a crypt. The team finds a Alca’zad, a dead man with a bounty on him and promptly crashes in!  However, the noise made between Azaria and Nuvian alerts a rather nasty undead mutated creature to their presence...

The crew made their way through the crypts finding undead and taking them down.  They fed a monster in the floor the corpses of goals, and found that quite frankly this place reeks of death.  They found a lot of notes and two creatures, one an inkling protecting Professor-Nivras-the-carver (scientist that the chaos crew needed to retrieve notes from at the prison) notes and research. The other is now known as "Copper-AA" the Alchemist'sApprentice (a small purple ooze that can generate potions--just feed it magical components off and on).

Going further De'lana recognizes a corpse of a noble and sends word home taking a medallion from her knowing there wasn't much else they could do respectfully. The team found at least 250g worth of notes, samples, and materials! Towards the end when the team was going to go for the last door they knew of they found a hidden door that led them to none other than Kythaela Elnala the Wise, also known as The "Mad Druid". Azaria and De'lana remember her--this is the druid they knew as kids. Now she is a chained up a ghostly apparition that cannot rest until those she called her lover and apprentice(s) turned adopted sons are slain and her name cleared of their foul deeds.

The team takes take a short rest with Kythaela. During which you are able through Azaria to hear the druid's tale. About 5 years previous Kythaela met a dashing charming Professor and fell mad in love--not realizing that he was using her research to create undead monsters. Whereas her original research was to combine plant and animal into new protective creatures that could protect the forests as well as enrich the flora among them. About 2 years into her being in love--he started dosing her with potions without her knowledge and they adopted 3 children as apprentices. One--who you already found and turned in his head for the bounty. Another who helped poison her. And one who tried to save her but fell to the Professors ways.

She hasn't seen the apprentices in a while but it has been about a year since she was killed--when they really started ramping up production of the research. She warns you not all creatures will be like Copper or the Inkling. And you gather... she wasn't the one to enslave the kobolds. Which begs brings the question of who is holding them hostage?

The crew went down the stairs into a new level of the dungeon/crypt/whatever the fuck this place is. They searched room by room, finding signs of necromancy and mad experiments. Then they found yet another level and searched it. Upon finding their way out and up a ladder, they ended at what looked to be a blighted forested area.

Session 7 through Session 11

The team continues on and fights Ursoc-the-Foul one of the three adopted kids and learns that Alca’zad was another of the three adopted apprentices. In defeating this monster the party moves on.  During the battle with the Professor Alca’zad's ghostly form tries to aid him by unleashing several of the undead held in cages, and as the team fights a gnoll joins the frey. Nearly having killed the Professor only to have him teleport away, the team turns to the gnoll and starts to ask questions only to learn that this is Jabari Mawt'tair the last and final son of Kythaela Elnala. However, unlike his "siblings" Jabari is a good and kind soul, a gnoll barbarian who was forced into slavery as a child, then freed by the druid--only to be reenslaved and forced to do terrible things by the professor.

Hn having chased away the Professor the team is able to set up a magic teleportation site for Inzia's team to arrive and scour the entire complex. The team hangs around and goes to visit the druid. Her ghost still remains. Tied to this place by the magic chain on her ankles. The team tries valiantly only to fail repeatedly to get her freed from the shackles. Mirrindris Tinkerton, comes in and assists but is also unable to remove the shackles. Jabari and Azaria team up to try and pull the shackle's base out of the wall. It works! Now they are able to bring the Druid back to Oclor--so that the mages and cleric's under Nelisora and Inzia's employ can try to unchain her soul.

The team moves to head back to the Kobolds--De'lana with some spectacular rolls and help from Jabari and the Druid's spirit (but namely De'lana's winning personality/charm) manages to set up a trade route with  the Kobolds! She's at rank II of reputation with them the rest of the party is at rank 1.5. Well, except Azaria who is at 1.75 because she had some amazing rolls that allowed her to take some extra mushrooms on the go for her Oozes. The investigating/clean-up crew then asks to be lead to the bodies out at the front of the maze. Only for De'lana to step on a teleportation trap that sent her into the clutches of the Professor! The team races to save her--but Jabari and Josha are too big, Nuvian and Genna are spent. Azaria aids Mirrindris in getting down a small corridor of stairs and finds a long hallway with the sounds of so many undead.

Mirrindris uses flame sphere to take out the undead in the way. Halfway to where Mirrindris' locate spell says De'lana is--Andril shows up to stall them. By the time they get to De'lana through the undead and a slightly scared looking Alca’zad... the professor has injected De'lana with something. No one knows what it was.

Inzia gives the newly named The Outcast Guild (formerly known as Serious Crew) a scroll and a caravan of several wagons. There are 10 members of the guild who are to follow the orders of the Outcasts, and 20 common folk all of these people have opted to help House-Enran 's new Lady secure the land alongside The Outcasts. 

The Outcasts have been told to head to Emberwood Proper--or rather what has left it after strange going on's destroyed the majority of it and the nearby town. The town was nearly fully wiped out by...well it says that reports are confusing and its said that they aren't sure exactly what happened. In the Caravan, you have 5 Farmers, 5 Miners, a Tailor, a Blacksmith, a family of 4 (the mother is pregnant and due soon), a Healer, Carpenter, Herbalist, Stone Cutter, Chef, & nine others from the guild.

The Road To Emberwood:

As the day starts the team gathers with their new caravan charges and 10 npc's that will be the base members of the new guild are to be fully announced soon. Reyrona-Jeweler--of the Gilded-Leaf-Jewelery-Shop, approaches De'lana and Nuvian and offers them a reward. She is looking to get information on her shipment of Embers-Stones shipment for her Jewelry shop or the actual shipment. 400g for information 800g for the return of the trade route. They accept. (This is never brought up again and they never fulfill this bargain (EVER LMAO).

The trip takes longer than expected due to the sheer number of people and wagons on the road. The group gets to know a few of the commonfolk NPC's and starts to build up relationships with them.

On Day 5 Grannie Tas'zewas helping with the wash having taken it upon herself to help the pregnant woman of the caravan with her wash. However, as she was headed up a hill to return the finished wash she slipped. Azaria caught her and eased her fall so that she didn't hurt herself. Nuvian and De'lanna helped collect the wash nimbly. The team is at 60% rep of Lvl 1 with Tas'ze.

Day 7 Flowers turned their head as though watching the caravan pass in a large meadow.

Day 10 A goblin wearing a old carpet as a cape leaps into the road blocking the way demanding tribute. Nuvian gives him 100g and progresses quickly to 29% of level 1 rep with the goblin known now as Cklack-The-Goblin.

Day 11 a Strange Priest wearing the symbol of three golden feathers, on the road yelled at everyone. Telling them to repent their sins.

--De'lana was told to repent her connection to the dead.

--Azaria was told to repent her cowardly ways. (This man also had a really punchable face and his face was familiar to Azaria.)

--Josha was yelled at and told to repent his self assured arrogance.

--Genna was just sneered at rudely.

--Nuvian was told to repent the blood on his hands.

--Jabari was told to repent his "kind-hearted ways"

He manages to get to everyone just a little bit but Nuvian and Azaria are the ones who nearly confront him physically before deciding he isn't worth it.

Day 13 Snakes are sleeping on the road and you are unable to move past--hundreds of snakes are sunbathing on the road.

Day 15 Molly Themek the pregnant woman gives birth to a beautiful and healthy baby-boy-themek!

Day 17 In the distance you all see Emberwood Swampthe trees are aglow at the base of foothills and heavily wooded mountains. However, you see several thick plumes of smoke rising from it.

Alberic Themek, the human who told Azaria about the Emberwoods, (his wife is Molly Themek) was from the Emberwood and he says the smoke is unnatural--the place shouldn't be on fire! However, you are a day away and the caravan decides not to push the animals too hard lest they die.

Alberic told Azaria and the team that Emberwoods has a long history of supplying magical "Embers-stone" or stones to the empire.

History exposition:

Emberwood is a giant swamp filled with a great mysterious magic. No one has quite figured out what causes the magic. However, denizens have adjusted to the oddness of seeing glowing gems growing out of the trees within the swamp. They have also adjusted to the strange happenstances that occur due to the magic nature of the area. A majority of mundane common practices such as cooking and blacksmithing--to foraging for food is affected. It is said that the first person to discover this swamp thought the trees were aflame and the gems were tangible embers. The name Emberwood sort of just stuck after a while, though there were contenders such as Flamewood, Emberswamp, & Glowwood Swamp.

Emberwood's namesake are the Ember-Trees that grow glowing gems of minuscule magical power. These growing gems originally started out with solely red, orange, yellow, and white glows. Over time and manipulation, the color range has been increased drastically along with its properties.

Fun Facts:

People do vanish as they are want-to-do in swamps. Most equate it to being will-o-whisps or other fey, some just equate it to people running away, getting lost, or becoming food for the preditors of the swamp. However, some say that the swamp takes people occasionally every 50-90 years... as return payment for what the swamp gives in the embers.

The team arrives near nightfall in Emberwood Proper. The team is pointed towards the Lady of the land--but they run into Kyn-- The Huntsmaster (aka Sherif of town) an elf man who looks middle-aged and who seems to see the Lady Ren'thalia as a silly child. He affirms that something or someone had to have pissed off the swamp and that the townsfolk just need to figure "how to get it off our backs".

Ren'Thalia "Rennie" Enran is the one who has had an inn with a built-in tavern partially built for the team. She tells the team that Nelisora's contact has gone missing. She tells the team that she doesn't believe that "the swamp" is angry with the townspeople. She thinks there's another reason--but what, she isn't sure. That's why she sent for a group to help her figure this out. She's less worried about her reputation with the locals and more afraid for those who are missing--and those who may become missing or join the ranks of those who are dead.

Session 12 through Session 22

Emberwood Proper

During the night Nuvian, takes the time to scout out some of the newly burned buildings and finds a wicker charm. The team goes to the inn and settles in De'lana has a rough time sleeping and in the morning the team smells sweet-sweet breakfast. The team hears their new brewmaster and cook Veni the goliath being berated by Alberics mother, "Mama Themek", she keeps telling him how to cook with "reverence" for the swamps bounty. Cooking--well any profession using swamp ingredients can be deadly she tells the group at one point.

Genna Hollylight looks at the charm that Nuvian has found and tells the group that--yep this is a magic item--or was.. looks like a conjuration.

When Josha joins the group--Genna decides to hang back and drink some scotch, while the party moves on to explore the town.

Josha having been a little distracted in Oclor now decides to spend a mass majority of his money at  Cille-Family-Emporium, upon meeting Ruzz Cille the gnome running the shop Josha drops 3500gp to get magical gem items. The rest of the party gapes at how much he is spending--making sure they'll tell Genna that night.

Then the party moves on and finds the blacksmith Orlad Gelvo, a young human from the family Gelvo-Family. He talks with Josha about possibly getting an improved whip. Josha drops 500gp to get a new whip.

Josha unlocked rank I with Ruzz Cille, rank I with the local general store merchant and rank I with Orlad his reputation is that of a spender of fine taste.

Clues gathered thus far:

Newborn Babes are being abducted

Various other adults have been abducted

Dark shapes in the night attack the town and fires start randomly

Several families have been found murdered in their homes--with no one having heard a thing.

Kyn tells the team to ignore the unfriendly rumors about the Lady being to blame.

The Lady is pregnant .

The Lady knows of Nelisora.

The Outcasts get drunk and have pranks. Josha is a lightweight and is pranked by Azaria to have flower hair--he picks out the ones he is disinclined towards.

 De'lana, Nuvian, and Azaria go snooping about the town. While doing so De'lana shows just how shaken she is to the team about having been kidnapped and drugged by the Professor, while talking to the Goblin priest Vom-the-PriestDe'lana tries to find a divine one to guide her and bring her some peace.

Nuvian and Azaria go searching for clues.

Azaria finds another wicker charm and notices that it doesn't have scorch marks on it. She decides to test a theory builds a fire pit and tries it out. The charms remaining magic sparks and green flames threaten to overtake--but a passing fisherman throws a bucket of water on it. The duo head to the huntsmaster and gets some research. They then collect De'lana who agrees to dig into the research. Mid-research De'lana realizes that she didn't update her mothers on her whereabouts. She does so only to be told that Mirrindris' mother (a hag) is at large in the area still as far as she knows.

De'lana alerts the team to this and Azaria told Genna about Josha's shopping trip. Hell breaks loose.

The team decides to finish up shopping and alerts the Huntsmaster about the possible hag. Then the team decides to stock up and then... Azaria drugs the team--but only Josha gets the full effects. The team decides to delay their trip for another day. Azaria stumbles upon the possibility of Tabaxi Gods....and gives an offering. De'lana reached out to the goddess of war and peace of the elves. 

De'lana and Azaria had intriguing dreams. De'lana nearly died but she got to see the Divine Battlefield where the divine are fighting for the world and their own power against Aire. 6hp from needing to possibly roll up a new character--De'lana was saved by Cararel, who told her, "There is no peace without war, or war without peace. Look into the darkness."

Azaria learned that her offering is why the Weamid gods are just a hint more active, and she gets to see part of the Nymph battle while talking with Priri.

Ren'valor Remerez (aka Ren Maiyr) joins the game, as this paladin enters Emberwood he is directed to the The-Wayward-Ember. Where he meets Veni Irongut the Goliath Barkeep. Ren asks about work and Veni suggests joining the guild masters (5 of you bastards) on a quest into the swamp. Seeming interested, Veni moves to wake Azaria as she's probably the least likely to kill him.

Mama Themek has Veni test Azaria and Ren both with set after set of drinks. The test was to see how strong their stomachs were along with testing... how strictly Azaria (and in turn the party) will follow her warnings about mixing foods and drinks being dangerous if you don't know if they will have negative effects.

Azaria while taking up the challenge sees the perfect opportunity to test Ren with the same drug that she gave the whole party. At one point Veni is sent to get De'lana to join in. Dubious Ren spots that Veni is a little too pleased with this turn of events.

Ren decides he'll take the petal drugs if Veni does as well. Both take it, with no horrible side effects. 

Azaria is later faced with a ticked-off Mama Themek as those petals could have interacted VERY poorly to something and cause instant death as Emberwood goods have consequences. Azaria is told she got lucky. At first Azaria is a bit upset that Mama Themek didn't warn her--and was testing her in the first place. But after an apology, the two are reconciled, but Azaria still has some learning to do. Mama Themek warns... once again that the swamp leaves openings for you to get yourself killed. If you don't respect it, you will die. Don't go mixing things you don't know. Ask a local--or don't mix it. Better safe than sorry. 

This session the team focused mainly on scouting the swamp. Nuvian purchased glasses and is getting an enchanted item to help with his sunlight sensitivity. Nuvian/Genna/Josha found 2 embers on the first day of swamp scouting. Genna is keeping a map. (Nuvian it is up to you what happens with the green ember now). Genna is getting an item as well. Ren started gathering herbs and having Genna mark things on the map to keep track of where the good shit was.

The team returned to the inn and rested up and headed back out Nuvian got more information and the team chose to head to an old witch's hut to try and find more clues of where the possible hag could be.

As they were inspecting the team was attacked by Ooze-Hounds

 The team decided to travel on and found a BIG clue and was able to add 2 caves and a possible island in a lake to their map. They decide to stay the night where they were and were attacked mid rest but still achieved a long rest. Ren and Genna both nearly fell to the attack of a giant crocodile.

Then the team headed onward and arrived at the lake where the island should be. The team spots something glistening in the lake and Josha dives in to take two embers out of a snake statue.

Nuvian and Azaria decide to dive in and explore more. The pair find a hallway where they are able to breathe water in. Odd they treck onwards, and Nuvian ends up compelled to move forward towards the source, A pair of siren/medusa hybrids has him enthralled.

Up above Ren and Josha along with Genna watch as the ropes that were attached to their teammates float to the top--looking as though they were cut.

We started off with Genna, Josha, and Ren being grappled and taken into the temple proper were Azaria and Nuvian were. With many failed and successful saves the team eventually manages to kill their attackers only to hear chanting and talking in the distance.

The team approaches two paths and chooses to go down one. Genna watches as a Hag and one of Aire's generals Areth'toron, Snake woman with six arms and snakes for hair discuss plans. The Hag (Malifaux) is wanting assistance in destroying another coven that her seems to be fighting with. Areth'toron refuses to help and says that she will not play favorites with those vying for Nivras' favor. She wants the "traitors" of her cult to be killed and says if they are able to take over Emberwood at the side of the hags that would be preferred as they need Emberwood for the plan.

She vanishes and the hag tries to sway her acolytes who seem unphased. The team quickly dispatches the acolytes with such speed and brutality that hadn't been seen before by this team as of yet (honestly where was this during the undead swarms in the Lichs' lair?)

The team finds some prisoners in another room and finds out that there are four other's missing. Further down the hall rest to bodies--the team can't tell if they are breathing or not. Genna gets tossed by Ren over the edge, the children are alive and well. They continue on through the temple. They find some eels and more acolytes. Azaria picks up on screams in the next room and the team busts in to see one of the cultists having become a giant version of herself--however, this does not save her or the other acolyte.

Genna and Ren save the woman they were trying to kill, and the last child prisoner.

Then the team swiftly takes out the remaining cultists, only to find 3 snake people chained up in the last room.

They thank the party for helping them and the leader has a vision from their goddess Snake-Goddess-E-name when asked by Genna how they could help.

They tell the party to come to another room to receive a gift. All they ask in return is that the party help them save Emberwood and speak for them when the time comes that they reveal their presence (Snake-Temple-In-Emberwoodto emberwood.

The party then gains a hero point and head back to the in with two markers on their map of where the hag covens should be in a weeks time.

The team went on a bit of a shopping trip to prepare and got some needed supplies. The team decided to send the Twin NPC's that are part of the guild off to the 3 day coven to see if they can track the other coven while they go to the north one that is 5 days away.

Josha during the shoping trip--fell into debt with Madam Duskheart, the dwarven general store keeper. He sells a lot of his extras from the encounter with Prof. Nivras, but it still leaves him with 4,500gp of debt. Genna watches as Josha shakes hands with Madam Duskheart who, casts a geas on the man--to ensure he repays this debt (Geas.  Josha doesn't notice, but Genna does--Locals here in the swamp do not play around.

While the team was shopping Ren got to know Ozmon Kilxus, the turquoise, gold, and white talking crab. He gives them a name Mother Malifaux, her coven member cursed him. Genna vows to help try and cure the curse--and each time it seems to fail. Hag Magic is a different type than the norm and its very difficult to get the curse to break.

Josha asks Ren to help him with gathering items. Josha finds another Ember. The team makes very good time and has found a LOT of things needed to help Josha pay off his debt. Madam Duskheart has a shopping list--extras of what is on the list only helps to alleviate the drive Josha cannot explain to collect anything and everything that might be of use.

On the trip to the Northern Hag coven location, Ren notices that Josha and Genna are wearing new jewelry. Ren upon congratulating the pair on their nuptuals is horrified, shocked, and a extremely offended on Genna's behalf. Josha's jewlery is golden! Genna's is copper--a lesser metal--and to top it off she had to buy her own. Marriage Customs 

Ozmon, Ren, and Nuvian are upset with Josha--this is no way to treat your betrothed. Ren writes a scathing letter to Josha's noble parents filled with details on how much of a shame he is due to how he is treating this poor woman who puts up with endless disregard and shame.

With a NAT 20, Ren hands the letter to Azaria, and the feline sends the letter off before the team square up to head into a cave where the hags are said to be.

The party hunkers down for a night of rest. Ren pulls out a wine bottle he, Nuvian, and Ozmon share some information. Ren's world is a little shaken, Elf Ages Mean Things. Ozmon scouts the first room of the cave--and says, "Yep--I hear cackling."

Session 23 through Session 29

Emberwood Swamp

There were lots of undead with acid/poison bellies that popped on death, they dealt with possibly losing Josha to a trap--turns out he was just fine in a cage in another room. In the final room when moving to confront the hag coven the team found themselves seeing Nivras' illusion. The team got the pink marked hag down and a few members heard Ozmon, shout out "Of fucking course!" as he sprinted naked to Josha's bag to grab clothes--Nuvian got an eyeful.

Then Ozmon one-shotted the main hag, before helping to severely injure the last one before the team took her out entirely. Ozmon's imp, Flisk showed up and after arguing a bit the imp brought the team a teleportation stone to get the team to the Wayward Ember once more.

The team gets to know Ozmon a bit better. Ozmon and Veni talked a lot. Ozmon apparently has info on the entire team... Ren got Ozmon a new outfit and flirted with Ozmon--booping him on the nose, while Ozmon smacked that ass with his tail. 

Genna got drunk off her ass and ranted to Ren about getting drugs. Veni and Ren bonded over their storied pasts. Ren shared a story with Veni, and Veni offered to get him into the guilds. Ozmon spoke alone with Nuvian and tried to get him into the guilds.

Genna did very well with a sparring match with Ozmon, however, the team noticed that he moves too quickly ie teleport and possible illusions that feel real. Ozmon pulled rank on Josha--and it worked. Genna is forever "miss" genna as she has revealed she is a chaste woman and TOG's are now aware for the most part (minus Nuvian and Azaria) that Genna isn't married to Josha.

Genna realized that Vonkia (the maid) is crushing on Veni.

Also adding to Outcasts--Ren has gotten word a Noble named Kharis Song is coming to speak with him--about his possible heritage as Ozmon poked at Ren's backstory.

 Azaria's ears overheard quite a lot this night. A local woman who apparently leads some of the fishing trade. They apparently found another dead missing person on the lake again. She mentioned to Azaria and the Themek couple (Molly and Alberic) that if something doesn't change soon--the townsfolk would take it upon themselves to change it.

Meanwhile Ren noticed Jabari staring intently at Ozmon before vanishing once more into the kitchens with Mama Themek. Mama Themek and Azaria had a brief hello.

Azaria also over heard Huntsmaster Kyn discussing similar things to the local woman about how things were getting desperate--and the town had been under attack during the last few nights from ooze hounds and  a couple undead.

Ozmon said the team would handle it that its likely Mother Malifaux's doing. As Kyn moved to leave, seeing the tavern only really had guild members and taking the chance that the kitchen staff wouldn't hear as they bustled to ready for the lunch rush.... raised his voice, "My interest is in Ren'thalia not the town." A clear promise of retribution if the townsfolk got it into their heads to harm the Lady.

After a bit of discussion and sharing information, the team went to the Enran Manor to discuss with the Lady Ren'thalia what they had found. She was quite pale at the mention of Professor Nivras and just as much if not more so at Malifaux's name being dropped. In the distance, howling could be heard. The team headed outside, while Ozmon mentioned he'd guard the Lady.

However after a quick magic return howl the team waited outside only to hear a crashing sound coming from inside. Cursing the team raced inside to help protect the Lady.  After a bit of fighting with Ooze Hounds the team was shocked to see Malifaux arrive to try and charm the Lady Ren'thalia to her side.

With some quick thinking and use of muscle, Ren was able to grapple the Lady and pull her out of the room casting a spell on her that would help her fight Malifaux's influence.

Towards the end of the fight two giant werewolves lept into the building using the same entrances (broken windows) that the ooze hounds had been using to get in. Taking out several ooze hounds in the process. The team worked with the Wolves, Ozmon, Flisk, and the Lady who managed to escape Ren's grip once her mind was clear. The Hag seeing it was no use for the moment--vanished not wanting to deal with the werewolves, which were unexpected. 

After the battle finished Azaria could have sworn she heard a few terror filled cries outside, she'd been hearing battle outside excusing the guards for not having rushed to the Lady's defense. A wiff on the air alerted her to the smell of someone having lost their bladder in fear. A third werewolf appeared shortly there after through a window.

The one on the book case with Azaria transformed down into a red headed woman, Mirapine-Daro who looked down at Ozmon and with a stretch and a jump into his arms said, "Hiya Ozzie. Nice hag fight."

The werewolf before Nuvian and Ren, shifted into a tall roguish looking red headed man, Thimry-Daro. "Gotta love fighting hags."

The third wolf standing near the windows shifted into a white haired woman, also tall and broad-shouldered like the young man.

As the battle rush started to leave the team, the male, Thimry propositioned Azaria. Nuvian annoyed headed to leave, but Thimry sensing what might be wrong followed and asked if Nuvian would join them. And thus--Azaria and Nuvian had a wild rest of the morning with a werewolf.

Leaving Ren alone with the Noblewoman, Ozmon, the sister (Miraphine), and the mother Rae-Daro.

Ren got a surprise in the form of family he never knew he had. Ren's a noble who was kidnapped when he was 3. He wound up in Oskia and only remembered the first part of his name. His family has tracked him down via Ozmon, who knew Ren's sister's husband.  Told his father is dead, and that his mother is ill. Ren opted to meet with them--once the Hag Malifaux is dealt with.

Azaria and Nuvian flirted, and I presume had a more private night together  bow chicka wow wow

Josha got a surprise he NEVER wanted, in the form of the Loxodon Mayja. The Defender had many a word for him and was very disappointed. She warned him he could run from her, he could run from his father Artus-Nevon but his mother Diveon-Nevon... could never be run from. His parents are a week or two out from Emberwood. Mayja has agreed to join the team on their quest to kill the hag.

Genna and Flisk became quite friendly over a drinking contest. Genna cheated with a spell and he cheated by being immune. All bets failed and money returned to the ones who placed them. 

The team woke up and slowly made their individual ways down to the bar to get food.

Nuvian had some new scratches, that Veni and Ozmon spotted.

Eventually a boistrous Orc/White Dragon Born, Snat fellow burst into The Wayward Ember, announcing that his godliness had arrived and that he was looking for Veni.  After a short introduction--Veni realized just who this was and pulled Nuvian aside to inform him of his need of a favor, keep Snat outta the tavern as much as the team can.

He also gave Nuvian a map to a teleportation circle that will help the team shorten a 14+ day journey, into a 2 day journey. Snat and Josha discussed many a thing--including Josha's noble status, Snat being a god, and Josha's need to give away--a rather large amount of mirrors.

Mayja watched on, with a raised brow. Genna listened growing more distraught--until given a large amount of whiskey, including a never ending whiskey flask. Ren and Ozmon have a side chat. Ozmon warns Ren that he's heard whispers that Prof. Nivras might be headed to Whela--and if so, Ozmon has to follow as he's the closest of the guild's agents, "Nivras brings undeath with him."

Ozmon sobered even more before murmuring to Ren, "If you ever hear the name Ebthos--run. Don't confront--run." Ren saw fear and dread in Ozmon's eyes.  He then informed Ren that Snat--was a sort of replacement to help the team with the hag.

Azaria--seeing a chance (after helping send a message to someone Genna says might be able to make Snat and Josha more bearable), attacks Josha--working to knock him down. Josha manages to just barely catch himself on the bar and offers her a mirror. Snat makes the grave error of calling Azaria short--and mouse. Azaria climbs up her staff and tells the man, to never call her those things again--only for him to dig the grave a little deeper. Azaria attacks him.

Not knowing when enough--is too much, Snat makes another comment, and Azaria pulls the con of a century with Priri, her god's aid, and a well timed lie/performance from the Maid Namia Vonika. Priri used his winds to help convince Snat that Azaria was a god and that she outranked Snat. Namia took the chance, and told Snat that Aire is hunting gods of all types--powerful--weak, young--old, it didn't matter and that it would be best if he kept the word of divine beings walking around quite. Genna then progressed to ask Vom for permission to alter the altar of Zil. Josha had a moment with his god and learned that perhaps there was a reason that hadn't been considered, for his being a chosen of Lansor. Azaria found new followers for Priri and the other Weamid Gods, in the form of 2 adults and 7 kitten tabaxis random-tabaxi-family.

Genna manages to get a magical statue commissioned for Zil. Josha and Mayja start researching. Josha is slowly turning people's opinions on their head as he slowly begins to actively work to use the correct name for people. Snat wakes with a hangover--still slightly drunk. Azaria and Nuvian continue to speak with the Tabaxi family and walk around town while the team gets up to shenanigans without them.

Josha goes and gets some information from the Lady that De'lana had previously.

Ren was training when Josha entered and started to speak about combo moves (by the way if you call out that combo move in battles I'll give y'all inspiration d10 to add to either the attack or the damage you have to call it before you roll to hit ). The two came up with and executed well, giving them a partial game plan.

Snat then approached wanting to join in and the duo realized there weren't a lot of things they could think of for combo moves with him. When Snat tried to bring smashing mirrors over Ren's head as a "bonding moment", as Josha and Snat had both already had that experienc, Josha and Ren make up excuses to get outta there. Genna is brought in to test out Snat's abilities in a spar. At first it doesn't go very well for Snat--but eventually through rage and insults he manages to get some hits upon Genna, though Zil did help Genna out a bit amused at this lesson she was teaching him. Making the newest member believe that she too was a god--just like Azaria. ((I'm sensing a theme here  ))

Eventually it comes out that Snat doesn't know what sex is--as frankly some of his main phrases have various double meanings. Genna and Veni, mainly Genna, try to explain--eventually Veni gives him some gold and sends him to the Ladies of the Night--for schooling.

Ren has a talk with his brother in-law and shares a secret only two other's know, and Lord Kharis gives him information that he some how inexplicably has obtained on the party, and on Emberwood.

[1:33 PM]

Josha finds a lot of information confirming what Lord Kharis has said, and seeks to get more information from the Lady of the town.

 The team experienced visions group wide. Snat of dying and finding himself in the Frigid Climb found a Cave and tunnel system that had something beckoning him closer. He saw murals of a White Dragon being born from the Dragon God Faesira. Transforming into a man--and murals of so many dead. The White dragon transformed into a man.

Nuvian was confronted by Ra'thir the Tabaxi god of Water and Change. Warned not to harm Ra'thir's 100x great granddaughter--Azaria.

Priri meanwhile was watching in amusement as Nuvian and Azaria had a moment on the beach. Before whisking them away to meet with Mirrindris. Who gave them the location of her Mother Malifaux the Hag. Mirrindris looked quite afraid and seemed to dread the Hag. She revealed that before Malifaux took her as a babe--ate her and then remade her into her image, Mirrindris was that of a babe of the house Enran. But tainted. It went unsaid that Mirrindris wants the hag dead--and that a reward would be had for her removal from this life.

Ren found himself dreaming of an elvish lullaby catching glimpse of an Elvin woman, before finding himself on the stormy plains on a fate filled battle field but the person he expected to see was not there. The lullaby turned to one of draconic origin. As he approached a house in the distance where the sound was coming from when it shifted jarringly so back to Elvin.

As Ren entered the house the area transformed to a white marble villa with pink and red roses. Ren saw a woman the same Elvin woman and a child that looked startlingly like himself playing with wooden swords. Ren shocked called out asking who she was.

Spinning on her heels as Child-Ren ran off laughing the woman looked to Ren shocked. Asking who he was--upon an answer, the woman became a little hysterical. Ren'valor met his mother Valaii only to have her and the dream slip away. But not before both knew the dream to be more real than either was prepared for.

Waking up Ren went downstairs to wait for the team--soon though Azaria with Nuvian and Snat in tow announced that the team needs to get an offering for a god none of them had ever really heard of.

The team went to Madam Duskhearts. Deals were made, some were paid off, and Ren sensing something in Madam Duskheart--made a proposition of the possibility of retrieving something from Malifaux's home for the woman for quite the sum.

Josha was released from his geas--but Snat gained a geas. Azaria managed to avoid one in return and put a pair of boots on reserve for when the team returns.

The team after retrieving a few last items headed to an altar in the swamp that they had visited previously. Upon beseeching the god Saevel the Traveler, the team found themselves in a much darker swamp.

In the distance through the fog they saw a lumbering form on all fours with antlers approaching them. As it neared it changed its form to a large elf man drenched in moss and weeds with a gaunt appearance and antlers with a mask hiding his face. Saevel did not take kindly to Snat's behavior while the rest of the group was very respectful. Saevel revealed that Snat had died previously, that the team are now in his limbo realm of the dead. He told Snat that he was not a god just a mortal with a crude façade.

The team was introduced to Henry--a elvin ghost child with a slit throat, to be their guide. "Stay close to him--do not wander. There are things that will call out to you get lost in this my land of dead and you will not make it out alive."

Snat expressed the wish to punt the child. While the team looked to him in horror.

Snat was shown just how powerless he truly is against a true god--but his protector of cold appeared as before wrapping Snat in protection.

"Your guardian cannot always protect you." Saevel left the party to follow Henry joining another figure in the fog.

Session 30 through Session 38

The team started their trek through the Swamp of Wayward souls--a Limbo Swamp of the dead. Azaria and Genna were tested by the swamp. They succeeded though at a heavy price of realization for Azaria--that perhaps she didn't know someone from her past as well as she had thought... and Genna was faced with just how far she will go with those she loved. The answer---she'll blind anyone who tries to stop her from protecting her mother.

The team were faced with a lot of uncomfortable truths...and tormenting sounds of woe and anguish within the swamp. Genna raised a good point--at how the swamp although a limbo/purgatory the fact that innocent souls can be trapped within and turned into twisted versions of themselves... is unfair. She and the others learned that there were people working on that fact.

In the middle of the night, Henry gave up his guard on the party to a pair of drow both named The-Watcher. These two examined Nuvian and Ren with interest, hinting at how Nuvian managed to escape his past. With Ren they theorized on if he was ready for redemption--and if he knew what had been found in the sands. Her ears picking that up Azaria piped up that her sister was in a sandy area currently.

As they group began to move on Watcher and Watcher gave Genna and Azaria a gift--preventing them from falling for the swamps tricks again--but the rest of the party... were left vulnerable to the swamps tricks and traps. Also The Watchers seem to know Snat--much like many others of the swamp. They pointed out the head trauma and Snat's previous death. Both chuckling at his dismay, confusion, and denial. When he asked well then what is my favorite color--they asked before or after the head trauma. And happily stated that "before" the trauma it was Blue.

Also it seems they distinctly hate Snat's birth mother, and love that Snat talks shit about his absent father (Gyndross).

 The team continued through the Swamp of Wayward Souls (Limbo Realm). Ren was pulled into a fightful group of fog souls with a fog walker--who truly wished to make Ren suffer. Starting out as a scene he only just "barely" felt was familiar, Ren soon found himself facing Jarkah his shield brother--whom he truly believed he had killed.

As Snat tried valiantly to assist--but failed simply because a Muck Grasper held onto his ankle. 

Then the sound of giant wings flapping from above could be heard as a giant golden dragon landed. Gharol Rhene, demanded the Fog Walker give Ren--his item and leave. Rhene promised that the Walker would recieve--much torement...

Then Rhen revealed a few things and asked a favor of the group....


Jarkah is alive--and Ren should most certainly sent a letter through Azaria to Pike--to confirm.

Snat's father is Gyndross the Lord of Ice.

Snat's mother is a bitch, and he will one day have to deal with her.

She is Snat's step-mother. She gave Snat a hero point shard--straight to the chest ouch.


Gather and deliver as much information from the liches across the mortal realm as possible to Alaion, Vakad, Saevel, Gyndross, or any other god and say that the information needs to get to Gharol Rhene. She is apparently working with others in the multiverse to figure out how to heal souls, that the liches at Aire's behest--and their own twistedness have damaged.

Jabari, Snat, and Josha were tested by the swamp. Jabari heard Nivras and his mother--and saw them within the fog. The team tried valiantly to keep him with the team. But then Snat ran away in fear straight into a Soul Slime.

Meanwhile--Josha was also tested but did not fall for the illusion.

The team had managed to knock Jabari out and tie him up but with a majority of the group running to aid Snat--as the fog souls approached Azaria and Nuvian cut the ropes on a waking Jabari.

The team managed to defeat the fog souls and the Soul Slime. As they began walking again a shout of "I'll KILL YOU" and loud crashing sounds could be heard. The Watchers looked to each other surprised, "That--is not a test. And...they're a mortal."

The team rushed to the aid of @DesLove 's Quill a Tabaxi. The team made decently quick work of the Treant creature and Quill joined the team as a way to escape the swamp.

The team is near to the portal exit--then they will have to face a hag.

Our Heroes found themselves fighting ooze hounds and freeing a Kobold and Skunk before hearing in the distance Malifaux taunt them. Something about festivities not yet prepaired and her "friends" keeping them occupied. Having spotted villagers in the area they quickly learned from their new Kobold Cohort that they have upon them necklaces that are charming them to do Malifaux's orders. The one they saw up close--Orlad Gelvo looked gaunt and out of sorts.

TOG defeated Malifaux with minimum casualties! The team freed many from her servitude and saved several children all.of which Mirrindris wants brought to her.

The party has found out oclor has been destroyed--and that many of Oclor have made their way here to Emberwood. Josha's family, Ren's Family, Azaria's parents, and Roma's families have all made it to Emberwood and are being put up at the Manor.

Ren had a meeting with Madam Duskheart and she rewarded him heavily before vanishing into the great beyond.

Tog, Azaria is a baroness and 1 other person can become a baron/ess if they so choose to make a keep within Emberwood.

Josha's parents are making a not so good impression. 

Genna went to lord Kharis for aid--he happily is giving it.

Oracle Zorina made a prophecy (see announcements). The party tried to discern it and in doing so both Ren and Nuvian tried to reach gods. Ren was left in a horrible state. Nuvian had his world views shattered. Both turned down the gods.

Ren left as Azaria and Genna shared a look and prayed that a kinder God would intercede.

Snat is learning a lot about his father and how to raise a goose.

Quill is hiding out somewhere in the swamp. Unsure of all the people in the cramped town of Emberwood Proper.

Firecracker is pranking the town. 


Oclor destroyed by red dragon--due to a certain green dragoness god, the team knows Edenswa (gnome republic to the south) is next. Also an elf general of Aire is there???

Nivras is running amok in Whela.

The frost giant general of Aire is wrecking Kaldrhiems shit.

There's still a hag coven loose in Ew along with whispers of other strange happenings.

Josha went through his trial a total of 13 times. Eventually, he realized what he was supposed to. He made a new deal with Lansor, and has become his paladin.

Ren met with his Mother and sisters. It was an awkward and emotional affair. Genna listened in on almost all of it secretly, and Ren found out--he's a little angry with Genna. He's gone for a looooong walk.

Snat's "goose egg" which admittedly was a little large hatched! But instead of a Goose--Snat has an Owlbear Chub! He named her Goose. She's a snowy owl/polar bear owlbear! Snat also became his father's champion and is working towards finding and laying claim to a domain--and earning his right to be a god along side his father.

Also 9 days have passed since y'all made it back to Emberwood.

The day started out innocently enough, the hag has been dead for 20 days. The party was set to revive their metals and commendations. However, the party visits the Crooked Feather. Shenanigans abound. Ren's baby sister comes looking for him. Snat is dealing with being a father. Josha is looking for training and new clothes. Azaria does the same but then... upon seeing Josha's physical change she asks Priri some questions--and he plays a trick and Azaria grows 3ft in hieght.

The party meets the Ghost Tailor of Phoenix Needle (the tailoring shop now attached to Crooked Feather), Azaria and Josha get clothing orders placed, and head to the tavern portion to speak with the Oracle.

Ren and Narabeth (his sister) go to the tailors to speak to them about this and that because Narabeth is a knowledge lover and cannot turn down meeting a ghost.

During the discussion with the Oracle, she pauses oddly and asks where Ren might be. Then once she knows she heads to Ren--slowly at first then quickly.

She gives him the following Prophecy:

Red the waters, black the smoke.

Infernal the will, a chance to take.

Torment the Name.

It takes a few moments but the team rushes back and Ren begins to panic as one of the groups interpretations is that Ozmon might be in trouble. Because Ebthos--someone Ozmon warned him about, goes by Plaguing Tormentor.

Then a long set of letters passes between Ren, Ozmon, Starling, and Lord Kharis is brought in. At first, Ozmon reassures Ren that things are okay. However, just as the team is taking a vote, Namia brings in another letter. This one, reveals a lot about Ozmon's current state. He slips up--his writing is shaky... and Ren ends the tie and votes the team goes Whela.

The party ends up on a ship of mostly secretive pirates known as the Beholder’s Gaze. The crew seems welcoming enough if a little odd--what with each of them having an eye on some part of their body or their gear that seems to have a mind of its own.

They come across an unnatural storm that brings them to a set of 6 ships in the distance. The captain alerts the party and has a devious idea: give this group of ships what they've been giving to others--HELL & Robbery! Mayhap the party will find new interesting things on these ships!

Sessions 39 through Sessions 48