1. Timelines

Thaelian Chronicles


This timeline represents the main timeline of the continent of Thaelia.

Before Conquest (BC) < 0

The age of conquest tells the events that happened on the continent before the Conquest of Thaelia, when humans were still a minority folk mostly living on the the coast of Owlchester.

  • The town of Craic was founded by tribes people migrating from the other side of the Lower Ethylian Sea.

  • The small port town of Owlchester was founded by humans arriving from Torchio.

Age of Conquest (AoC) -60 — 0

The Age of Conquest tracks the main changes to the continent during which humans took over most of the continent and replaced the previously existing folk. This lasted only 60 years before humans were the main military and political force.

  • The town of Kinross, and with it the Kingdom of the Eirel fall to the control of humans after a 2 month siege, cementing human's control over the Andal plains.

After Conquest (AC) > 0

The age after which humans has conquered the majority of the continent.