Mithrendain, the Autumn City is an Eladrin tree-top city in the Feywild

Once a great fortress of Cendriane, Mithrendain has grown into a beautiful Eladrin forest-city whose buildings have grown naturally around the trees. Majority of the residences and buildings are present at a great height around the tip of the trees connected to each other with flowing vine bridges that could even manage to hold the weight of a mammoth herd.

The City has a multitude of wards present on it that prevent creatures from turning invisible, this was initially placed to root out Fomorian spies or assassins. The guards known as the Watchers of the Night are able to bypass this ward, they keep watch against any threats against the city.

The city is not only known for its forest-city but also for its various time-keeping structures. With massive water clocks in the center of parks and gold-plated sundials in city squares are a sight to behold.


Now lost to history is the fact that the central region of the city which was the birth seed of the city was built to seal an entrance to the Feydark through many a times raids by Fomorian kings was lead against Cendriane. Chief among these sealed tunnels is the one beneath the majestic Citadel Arcanum, a golden edifice riddled with secret passages and underground chambers.