1. Journals

AC 00 - Aggma - Devil in the details

Auburn Crown 2021-12-25

Session 0 for Aggma


Scene in the commune. A raid from the city guards, gathering people to take into the city for whatever experiment, or expendable bodies.

Start the session in Ernest's house. Going to work all day again to work on shoes for Kamile, will task Aggma to bring it to her tomorrow.

Aggma planned to go see Alyna Bystam and look at something interesting.

At Alyna's apothecary, she has a racoon that has glowing red eyes (sparkling and making it very aggressive), some sort of mutation? It's been going on for over 24 hours. She wants some some anesthesia from Aggma, to try and inspect it more in detail.

He's been working on a whole set of shoes for a local noble's Kamile Trudgeon children's ball. He asks Aggma to deliver the heavy box.

It's the first shipment, where she waits while Kamile and some of the children try on the shoes. They are intimidated but ultimately curious by Aggma. She thanks Aggma and gives her 15G (10 for the shoes + 5 tip).