1. Events

Punishment War

977 AC

The Punishment War was a preventive war of Arden and Rivandol against Othiria in 977 AC.

Build up

The kingdoms Rivandol and Arden viewed the kingdom of Othiria as a growing threat, with Othiria comiting more resources to their military. This promoted Rivandol and Arden to launch a pre-emptive attack on Othiria.



  • Rivandol: 18'000 men
  • Arden: 11'000 men


  • Othiria: 17'000 men
  • Thasslia: 1'200 men. Thesslia didn't have the resources or organisation to quickly raise their troupes, and contributed little to war.


The war lasted 4 months before the attacking forces sieged and conquered Redford, at the time capital of Othiria. The treaty forced Othiria to give up their northern regions of the Black Range and Hero's Plains. This also pushed Othiria to move their capital to Drunah.