Last Sync

Instead of calling the API several times with each execution, it is recommended to cache the results in your application and use the lastSync parameter on API calls.

Saving the last sync time

Each API result on index endpoint of entities contain a sync attribute. This value is based on the Kanka server times (UTC+0).

    "data": [],
    "sync": "2020-12-24T19:17:42.207577Z",
    "links": {
    "meta": {

lastSync Parameter

When calling an index enpoint, for example the items endpoint, you can provide the lastSync parameter and only get items which have been changed since your last call.

Method URI Headers
GET items/?lastSync=2019-03-21T19:17:42.207577Z Default


    "data": [
            "id": "4",
            "updated_at":  "2019-08-29T13:48:54.000000Z"
    "sync": "2020-12-24T19:32:42.222036Z",
    "links": {
    "meta": {