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  1. Organizations

Intergalactic Federation

Galactic Government

The Intergalactic Federation (IGF) is the largest organization in the Caelum Galaxy, spanning most of the known civilized planets.  Thousands of planets are registered as members of the IGF, and generally their membership has brought increased trade and security for their people. Currently, the IGF is headquartered on Sonalos

Creating the IGF was a solution for a galaxy that wanted a standardized measure for trading, as each planet and government formerly had their own currency with wildly differing exchange rates. Today, the IGF uses credits as a common thread between economies. Planets under IGF treaty can maintain their own currency if they wish, however it is required to either accept and/or allow the exchange of credits for legal tender.

The IGF implement the Intergalactic Standard Calendar (ISC) upon being formally ratified, beginning time keeping from ISC 0-1-1.000, the first morning on Sonalos after the IGF formally began operations. It has been a fairly peaceful 387 years since then, with seldom planets and governments peacefully seceding after gaining increasing distaste in the level of galactic-wide globalization. 

Each government under IGF treaty has a representative and office within the Heaven's Assembly, that of which votes on motions that affect at least 1/5th of the IGF. Unsurprisingly, there are times when the Heaven's Assembly cannot decide on a course of action, causing deadlock on issues that can be resolved relatively easily. 

Background: Rainbow Galaxy - Wallpaper Cave

All characters that are members of this organization.