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  1. Organizations

Neterran Republic

Parliamentary Republic

The Neterran Republic is the predominant nation on Oloria and the Proxima System. They were formed several centuries ago after refugees managed to make the journey into Proxima via Ihmir's Stadium. Upon arrival, they were welcomed with open arms by the Jozik and Nibash'rang, and have been flourishing ever since.

Neterra boasts a humble handful of settlements on Oloria, including:

  • Castellix - Capitol of Neterra and transit hub for interplanetary travel and export. 
  • Unknown - A more "suburban" town where Neterrans, Jozik, and Nibash'rang live together and support non-agricultural Neterran interests.
  • Unknown - A small farming town dedicated to grain and grain-based products.
  • Unknown - A small farming town dedicated to tubers, fruits, and the products of those types of crops.
  • Unknown - A fishing village that primarily focuses on the humane farming of non-sentient piscine creatures. 


Neterra primarily focuses on agricultural and agriculture-based export, using the somewhat temperate climate of Oloria towards that end. As mentioned above, they deal in fruits, grain, tubers, and piscine meat. Red meat is somewhat taboo, since Jozik and Nibash'rang have never eaten it and consider a cruel abomination.


Neterra is a representative republic, with each of their settlements and each Jozik and Nibash'rang settlement having a seat in the house. Araxina Usophar, an Astral Elf and born Neterran, sits as the current prime minister of Neterra. She leans on the more liberal side for policy, but has never been doubted by the people as having the whole of Oloria's best interest in mind. 


Neterra has fairly peaceful and symbiotic relationships with the native Jozik and Nibash'rang, going so far as to provide them representation in their house of representatives for each village. Since living on Oloria, much of the beliefs of each individual faction have blended into a common Olorian belief, with religious tenets and deities paying homage to the threads that connected Neterrans, Jozik, and Nibash'rang in the first place.

The Neterran Republic didn't always solely focus on agriculture. Several years ago, Neterra had a number of colonies on Ibos to mine iron, amethyst, and most recently celestine. Once the Silverbridge corporation heard of celestine being present on Ibos, they negotiated and paid Neterra a handsome sum of credits to own the colonies. Neterra has not currently published an official stance on the legitimacy of Rampart and the Seventh Legion as a nation in the Proxima System. 

Speaking of Silverbridge, most of the issues between Neterra, the Jozik, and the Nibash'rang (if any) are in relation to Silverbridge encroachment on historically native lands. Neterra carefully keeps the peace between all parties, in the hopes of avoiding a full scale conflict on Oloria. 

Neterra is a registered nation under the Intergalactic Federation, however due to Ihmir's Stadium, Oloria and the Proxima System as a whole have been mostly remote.