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One of several mining colonies on Ibos formerly owned by the Neterran Republic before being bought out by Silverbridge. Mining colonies on Ibos most commonly export iron, amethyst, and celestine. 

Ehna serves as the main transit hub and base of operations for Silverbridge in Ibos. Since the Schism of Rampart, all legal transit in/out of the planet goes through Ehna, making it a fairly large colony. Not as much mining goes on at Ehna, however they manage the processing and refinement when needed on any exports on the far side of the neighboring lake. Now you might be asking yourself, why would Silverbridge be able to control space transit instead of the Intergalactic Federation? That is a trade secret. 

Colonies under Silverbridge jurisdiction rarely accept Intergalactic Federation credits, rather they have their own currency managed by Silverbridge to simplify pay, room, board, and anything else miners might need. Ehna has a currency exchange mainly intended for offworlders visiting Ibos for business, but they rarely care as long as you're not a registered miner on the planet.