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Humainoids that appear to be half raven. Though many say they were the experiment of an ancient wizard gone wrong, the Ravnen are probably one of the most pure ethnic groups of Taarna besides the Fenrir. When playing a Ravnen as a charcter they tend toward the Druid class though as racial outcasts in many nations they tend to gravitate toward rogue out of necessity.

Age: Ravnen mature more quickly than humans, reaching adulthood by 13 years of age. On average, they live about 55 years.

Size: Ravnen santd between 4 and 5.5 feet tall and average about 100 pounds.

Speed: Your base speed is 30 feet.

Traits: Your Ravnen ancestry provides you with feathered wings that grow from your back. You have a flying speed equal to your current speed for short distances, up to 1 mile.

Ability Score Improvement: Your DEX score increases by 2 and your WIS by 1.

Alignment: Ravnen tend toward chaos and goodness.

Keen Eyes: You have proficiency with Perception checks.

Languages: You can speak, read, and write Common and Ravnen.